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Images, Charts, Barcodes and Shapes are not being displayed in the Silverlight report viewer.


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Application Type Silverlight Application
Report Viewer Silverlight Report Viewer

The Silverlight Report Viewer and its WCF Reporting Service are no longer supported and deployed with the installation of Telerik Reporting. The last release of Telerik Reporting with included Silverlight Report Viewer is R1 2023.\


When a report is previewed in the Silverlight report viewer, Images, Charts, Barcodes and Shapes are missing, however they are present when exporting to one of the supported formats.


  • Resources endpoints misconfiguration

The most probable reason is missing resource endpoint for the Telerik Reporting WCF Service that is responsible for serving all images: Picturebox, Chart, Shapes and Barcodes.

For proper configuration please refer to the Hosting WCF Service in IIS help article.

The Silverlight report viewer lives entirely on the client side, while the report rendering is performed on the server. The XAML rendering extension (used by Silverlight report viewer) streams images as resources (similar to HTML), so if the resource endpoint is missing in the service configuration, the images would not be served. When exporting, images are embedded in the export file.

  • URL rewriting and load balancing scenarios

Other reason for missing images in the rendered in XAML report is the usage of URL rewriting or load balancing where the Reporting WCF Service URL is not the same as the displayed in browser. In such scenarios inherit the report service and override its property BaseAddress which is the Uri used from the XamlRendering for the resources address (e.g., images).


namespace CSharp.SilverlightDemo.Web
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Web;
    using Telerik.Reporting.Service;

    public class MyService : ReportService
        protected override Uri BaseAddress
                // Sample
                return new Uri("");

                // Original logic quoted for reference
                //var request = this.HttpContext.Request;
                //var response = this.HttpContext.Response;
                //return new UriBuilder(request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority))
                //    {
                //        Path = response.ApplyAppPathModifier(request.RawUrl)
                //    }
                //    .Uri;
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Web
Imports Telerik.Reporting.Service
Namespace CSharp.SilverlightDemo.Web

    Public Class MyService
        Inherits ReportService
        Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property BaseAddress() As Uri
                ' Sample

                    ' Original logic quoted for reference
                    'var request = this.HttpContext.Request;
                    'var response = this.HttpContext.Response;
                    'return new UriBuilder(request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority))
                    '    {
                    '        Path = response.ApplyAppPathModifier(request.RawUrl)
                    '    }
                    '    .Uri;
                Return New Uri("")
            End Get
        End Property
    End Class
End Namespace

Finally, change the ReportService.svc and the Web.config files in order to use the modified service.

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