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Html5 Report Viewer toolbar icons not rendered in IE browser


Product Version
Viewer HTML5 Viewer
Browser Version IE11


With some versions of Internet Explorer browser the Html5 Report Viewer Toolbar icons are missing.

Error Message

CSS3117: @font-face failed cross-origin request. Resource access is restricted.

Cause\Possible Cause(s)

The problem is related to caching - in some versions of IE (see Notes section) when the fonts for the icons of the Toolbar are loaded from the browser cache an error with the message specified in Error Message section is thrown (check the browser console in developers mode). When the cache is cleared and the fonts are loaded from the real resources the Toolbar is displayed correctly.

Suggested Workarounds

Upgrade the Internet Explorer browser. Check for an appropriate version under Notes section. If you are using the telerikReportViewerTemplate.html template, try switching to the FontAwesome template, telerikReportViewerTemplate-FA.html


  • IE version that did not experience the problem on our side :

    • 11.1155.15063.0.
  • IE versions where the issue has been observed by us or our users :

    • 11.0.15063.0
    • 11.2339.14393.0
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