Using KendoDateTimePicker in the Angular Report Viewer
Product | Progress® Telerik® Reporting |
Project Type | Angular |
Report Viewer | Angular Report Viewer |
This article describes how to use the KendoDateTimePicker as a custom parameter editor for the Angular Report Viewer.
This approach allows the selection of date and time for the DateTime
Report Parameters that do not have available values.
The kendoDateTimePicker widget is not included in the Kendo UI JavaScript distributed by Telerik Reporting through the
file, orkendo.subset.2015.3.930.min.js
and older versions. For that reason, you will have to replace the Kendo UI subset with the full Kendo UI JavaScript e.g.kendo.all.min.js
In the initializaion of the report viewer,
, specify theparameterEditors
option.<tr-viewer #viewer1 *ngIf="visible" [containerStyle]="viewerContainerStyle" [serviceUrl]="''" [reportSource]="{ report: 'Product Line Sales.trdx', parameters: {} }" [parameterEditors]="[{ match: match, createEditor: createEditor }]" > </tr-viewer>
Then in the
implement thematch
functions. The visibility of the report viewer can be set totrue
is loaded:export class AppComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild('viewer1', { static: false }) viewer: TelerikReportViewerComponent; public visible: boolean = false; ngOnInit(): void { this.loadScript("") this.visible = true; } match(parameter) { return parameter.type === "System.DateTime"; } createEditor (placeholder, options){ let input = document.createElement('input'); input.classList.add("trv-parameter-value"); //@ts-ignore $(placeholder).parent().append(input); let dateTimePicker; let valueChangedCallback = options.parameterChanged; let parameter; function onChange(e) { //@ts-ignore var date = $(input).data("kendoDateTimePickerPicker"); var val = date.value(); valueChangedCallback(parameter, val); } return { beginEdit: function (param) { parameter = param; //@ts-ignore $(input).kendoDateTimePicker({ value: param.value, format: "dd/MM/yyyy", change: onChange }); //@ts-ignore dateTimePicker = $(input).data("kendoDateTimePicker"); } }; } }