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How to use kendoDateTimePicker as an editor in the HTML5 Viewer's Parameters Area


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Project Type Web Application
Report Viewer HTML5 Report Viewer


Telerik Reporting provides an HTML5 Viewer that is a client-side HTML/CSS/JS widget built with Telerik Kendo UI Widgets. The viewer can be configured to use different than the default widgets in its structure, where the selected widgets should comply to the following requirements:

Telerik kendoDateTimePicker widget is not included in the Kendo UI JavaScript distributed by Telerik Reporting through telerikReportViewer.kendo-x.x.x.min.js file, or kendo.subset.2015.3.930.min.js in older versions.

You will have to replace the Kendo UI subset with the full Kendo UI JavaScript e.g. kendo.all.min.js.


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
                // The URL of the service which will serve reports.
                serviceUrl: "/api/reports",
                //ReportSource - string description of the report we want from the server
                reportSource: { report: "SampleReport.trdp" },
                // Specifies whether the viewer is in interactive or print preview mode.
                viewMode: telerikReportViewer.ViewModes.INTERACTIVE,
                // Sets the scale mode of the viewer.
                scaleMode: telerikReportViewer.ScaleModes.SPECIFIC,
                // Zoom in and out the report using the scale
                scale: 1.0,
                //the custom parameter editor
                parameterEditors: [
                      match: function (parameter) {
                      return parameter.type === "System.DateTime";

                  createEditor: function (placeholder, options) {
                      $(placeholder).html('<input type="datetime"/>');
                      var dateTimePicker = $(placeholder),
                                           valueChangedCallback = options.parameterChanged,

                      function onChange() {
                          var dtv = this.value();
                          if (null !== dtv) {
                              dtv = myadjustTimezone(dtv);
                          valueChangedCallback(parameter, dtv);

                      return {
                          beginEdit: function (param) {
                              parameter = param;

                              var dt = null;
                              try {
                                  if (param.value) {
                                      dt = myunadjustTimezone(param.value);
                              } catch (e) {
                                  dt = null;
                                //you can configure the widget
                                  format: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss",
                                  min: new Date(2014, 0, 1, 8, 0, 0),
                                  max: new Date(2018, 0, 4, 22, 0, 0),
                                  change: onChange,
                                  value: dt
                              dropDownList = $(dateTimePicker).find("input").data("kendoDateTimePicker");

    //functions required for adjusting the Date and Time selection to avoid sending and receiving dates, which are not in UTC
    function myadjustTimezone(date) {
        return new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds()));
    function myunadjustTimezone(date) {
        return new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds(), date.getUTCMilliseconds());



  • We adjust the dates that we send and receive in order to always work with UTC dates. Working with local times may cause issues if the server machine is in other timezone than the client machines.

  • If you prefer to not use the Parameters Area, you can create an external UI that updates the HTML5 Viewer's reportSource in JavaScript - How To: Pass Values to Report Parameters.

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