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Troubleshooting Reporting Implementation Into ASP.NET Core Application


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Project Type ASP.NET Core
.Net Framework .NET Core 2.1+


If you are experiencing problems while working with Telerik Reporting, the right way to determine what has caused them is described in the following steps.


  • Upgrade to the latest version of the product in case the reason for the crash has been fixed.
  • Try reproducing the crash on another machine to exclude machine-specific problems, for example, corrupted Telerik Reporting installation.
  • Provide us with a log file containing detailed information about the error. To create the log file, go to the project that hosts the Rest Service and add the below settings in the Program.cs file in the Main method:

    public static void Main(string[] args)
    static void EnableTracing()
        System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners.Add(new System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener(File.CreateText("log.txt")));
        System.Diagnostics.Trace.AutoFlush = true;

    Upon running the project and reproducing the error, it will generate an aspnetcoredemo.log file at the application root.

  • Another recommended troubleshooting approach is using Fiddler or another proxy tool to check the requests, responses, and statuses. Please, create a SAZ file (see Create a Session Archive Zip (SAZ) Traffic archive).

After you generate the log files from the above steps, archive them and attach them to a support ticket. Include the steps which have to be followed to reproduce the issue.

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