How to Retrieve the Oracle Connection Strings from Environment Variables
Product | Progress® Telerik® Reporting |
In order to retrieve the connection strings from environment variables, the keys there must be formatted in a specific way, so they can be read from the underlying IConfiguration
A single key-value pair is not sufficient to define the Oracle connection string and provider name, so environment should hold two separate entries - one for the connection string and one - for the provider name:
/// <summary>
/// Loads a reporting configuration from a specific JSON-based configuration file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="environment">The current web hosting environment used to obtain the content root path</param>
/// <returns>IConfiguration instance used to initialize the Reporting engine</returns>
static IConfiguration ResolveSpecificReportingConfiguration(IWebHostEnvironment environment)
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MyOracleApp_ConnectionStrings:OracleConn:connectionString", "Data Source=reportingvista;User Id=telerik;Password=telerikpass");
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MyOracleApp_ConnectionStrings:OracleConn:providerName", "Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client");
return new ConfigurationBuilder()
The first two lines just set the environment variables that contain information about the connection and provider name. Note the specific colon character (:)that acts as a delimiter between the keys hierarchy. MyOracleApp_ is used as a prefix by which the environment variables will be filtered fromthe rest.
The method ResolveSpecificReportingConfiguration must be called in the Startup.cs like this:
// Configure dependencies for ReportsController.
services.TryAddSingleton<IReportServiceConfiguration>(sp =>
new ReportServiceConfiguration
// In case the ReportingEngineConfiguration needs to be loaded from a specific configuration file, use the approach below:
ReportingEngineConfiguration = ResolveSpecificReportingConfiguration(this.WebHostEnvironment),
HostAppId = "Html5DemoAppCore3",
Storage = new FileStorage(),
ReportSourceResolver = new TypeReportSourceResolver().AddFallbackResolver(
new UriReportSourceResolver(reportsPath))