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How to render reports to PDF with bookmarks in R2 2021


Product Version
Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Rendering Format PDF


When exporting a report with bookmarks to PDF in R2 2021 and R2 SP1 2021, the produced PDF does not have the report's bookmarks generated.

Suggested Workarounds

There are three approaches that can be used to ensure that the produced PDF will have bookmarks:

  • The first and second workaround involve setting a property of the device info:

            var reportProcessor = new Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportProcessor();
            var deviceInfo = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
           //choose one of the two
            deviceInfo["OutputDocumentMap"] = true;
            deviceInfo["ProcessItemActions"] = true; 
            var reportSource = new Telerik.Reporting.UriReportSource();
            reportSource.Uri = "Report_with_Bookmarks.trdp";
            Telerik.Reporting.Processing.RenderingResult result = reportProcessor.RenderReport("PDF", reportSource, deviceInfo);
            string fileName = result.DocumentName + "." + result.Extension;
            string path = "../../../";
            string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, fileName);
            using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(filePath, System.IO.FileMode.Create))
                fs.Write(result.DocumentBytes, 0, result.DocumentBytes.Length);
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