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Multi-Column Report - Across the Page and Then Down


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting


Out of the box, Telerik Reporting offers multi-column reports with data flow - down the page and then across. How to set up this report layout is elaborated in the help article How to: Create a Multi-Column Report. However, in some cases you may need a multi-column report layout with data flow across the page and then down.

Due to the data driven nature of Telerik Reporting this can be easily achieved with our Table/Crosstab/List item and indexed data.


  1. Add a List to your report definition;
  2. Set the List.DataSource according to your datasource. For more info see: Connecting to Data help articles;
  3. Open the Group Explorer in extended mode; Screenshot showing the Group Explorer in extended mode
  4. Set the (Detail) row group Grouping expression to: =Fields.MyDataIndex/3, where the number (i.e. 3) should equal the number of expected columns;
  5. Set the (Static) column group Grouping expression to: =Fields.MyDataIndex%3, where the number (i.e. 3) should equal the number of expected columns;
  6. Add the necessary items to the List's Panel;
  7. Preview the report.

The MyDataIndex field should start at 0.

Additional Resources

Download a Sample Report from our GitHub Reporting-Samples repository.

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