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Connection unsuccessfull when Trying to Connect to MySQL Database in the Web Report Desginer


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Report designer Web Report Designer


The error below is thrown when tring to connect to MySQL Database through the SQL DataSource Wizard in the Web Report Desginer.

Error Message

Connection unsuccessfull.Check the connection string and try again. Keyword not supported:'port'.

Cause\Possible Cause(s)

The problem is caused by an issue in the SQL DataSource Wizard that doesn't provide the correct Data Provider name. In the wizard on the first page, the Data Provider must be MySql.Data.MySqlClient, but the option is limited only to MySql.Data. Since the engine cannot determine the type of the data provider by that name, it falls back to System.Data.SqlClient and claims that "Port" is not a supported keyword.

Suggested Workarounds

The workaround is to avoid using the SQL DataSource wizard and edit the data source properties directly in the properties grid. The issue is logged in our Feedback portal, so you can vote for it and when it is fixed, you will get a notification.

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