Change the Axis Scale in the Graph
Product | Progress® Telerik® Reporting Graph Report Item |
How can I customize the axis scale of the Graph?
When the values that are plotted in the chart cover a very large range, you can change the axis scale to a Logarithmic scale. In other cases, you may need a DateTime scale.
Note that when you use the Report Designer to change the Graph or a specific Series Chart Type, the Scale settings are reset to Category Scale.
Changing to Logarithmic
To achieve the desired scenario:
On the design surface, click the axis. The selected axis properties are listed in the Property Browser.
In the Misc section, select the Logarithmic Scale option for Scale.
Set the Groupings and Series.X/X0/Y/Y0 expressions to a numeric field.
Changing to Numerical
To achieve the desired scenario:
On the design surface, click the axis. The selected axis properties are listed in the Property Browser.
In the Misc section, select the Numerical Scale option for Scale.
Set the Groupings and Series.X/X0/Y/Y0 expressions to a numeric field.
Changing to DateTime
To achieve the desired scenario:
On the design surface, click on the axis. The selected axis properties are listed in the Property Browser.
In the Misc section for Scale select the DateTime Scale option.
Set the Groupings and Series.X/X0/Y/Y0 expressions to a DateTime field.
Changing to Category
To achieve the desired scenario:
On the design surface, click the axis. The selected axis properties are listed in the Property Browser.
In the Misc section, select the Category Scale option for Scale.
Remove the corresponding field from the series definition.
- If you have selected the X axis, remove the Series.X/X0 expression.
- If you have selected the Y axis, remove the Series.Y/Y0 expression.
The labels and tick marks for the category axis entries are determined by the fields used in the