Generating Reports in PowerShell
Property | Value |
Product | Progress Telerik Reporting |
In some scenarios, you may need to quickly export a bunch of small reports. You could create a console application and generate them programmatically but wouldn't it be easier to have a small script you can easily edit and execute directly from the terminal?
You can achieve that using PowerShell by loading the Telerik.Reporting
assembly, as well as any other assemblies your report may depend on, and generating the report with the ReportProcessor class, as described in the Generate Reports Programmatically article.
The following PowerShell script illustrates how you can export a report to PDF:
Add-Type -path "Telerik\Reporting\Installation\Directory\Bin\netstandard2.0\Telerik.Reporting.dll";
$reportProcessor = New-Object Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportProcessor;
$format = "PDF"
$deviceInfo = New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable;
$reportSource = New-Object Telerik.Reporting.UriReportSource;
$reportSource.Uri = "Location\Of\TRDP\Or\TRDX\Report.trdp";
$param1 = "Necessary parameter";
$param2 = 10;
$reportSource.Parameters.Add("ReportParameterName1", $param1);
$reportSource.Parameters.Add("ReportParameterName2", $param2);
$renderingResult = $reportProcessor.RenderReport($format, $reportSource, $deviceInfo)
$fileName = $renderingResult.DocumentName + "." + $renderingResult.Extension;
$path = "Location\Of\PDF\Export\" + $fileName
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($path, $renderingResult.DocumentBytes)
If you encounter any errors, you can add the following snippet at the beginning of the script to generate a trace log. This log should contain more specific information about what is going wrong and help you narrow down the issue faster.
$listener = New-Object System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener "Location\Of\Trace\Log.txt"
[System.Diagnostics.Trace]::AutoFlush = $True;