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Error 'Data source name not found' when using ODBC connection with Telerik Report Server.


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting, Report Server
Report Designer Standalone Report Designer
Report Item SqlDataSource


The error ppears when Standalone Report Designer tries to open an ODBC connection, registered in Telerik Report Server, although the connection string is valid and ODBC DSN is registered as User DSN.

Error Message

 'Data source name not found and no default driver specified.'

Possible Cause

When a DSN is registered as User DSN, this means that only the currently logged-in user can access it.

The Report Server pool uses LocalSystem built-in account by default, so it probably is unable to access the registered User DSN.


The solution is to register the DSN as System DSN in ODBC Data Source Administrator, so it will be available to all users.

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