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Error 401 Failed to retrieve information from remote source on restoring Nuget packages in a .NET Core project


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Framework .NET Core


Telerik products, including Telerik Reporting, can be used via Nuget packages. To access Nuget packages, you need Telerik account allowing you to connect to the private Telerik Nuget feed - We Maintain a Telerik NuGet Feed.

Error Message

Error 401: Failed to retrieve information from remote source


The connection to the private Nuget feed requires user and password credentials, which are not stored automatically.


This is an issue with .NET Core tooling and its options for storing passwords for private feeds - Restore fails when a NuGet feed with Encrypted Credentials (default) is defined on the system. The comment in the first post elaborates on how to store the username and password in plain text to allow the restore operation.

See Also

Consuming packages from authenticated feeds.

How to add the Telerik private NuGet feed to Visual Studio.

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