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Dynamic ReportBook Name on Export


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting


I want to set the default file name of the ReportBook exported from the viewer with an Expression, for example, to a Report Parameter value.


The DocumentName of the ReportBook is used as default document name when exporting from the viewer. The Standalone Report Designer won't use DocumentName when exporting. It will rather use the Report Name.

The Report Book is a collection of Reports that implements the IReportDocument interface. The implicit implementation of the property ReportParameters obtains its value by merging the parameters of individual reports that have their Mergeable property set to true plus adding all non-mergeable parameters.

The DocumentName of the ReportBook may be set to an Expression like =Parameters.ParameterName.Value. ParameterName should be a valid parameter name from any of the reports in the ReportBook. You need to type manually the expression as it won't be displayed in the designer's wizard. You may use also more complex Expressions based on all report parameters throughout the reports in the ReportBook, and User Functions.

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