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Actions Are Not Working on Preview


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Application Type Web Application
Report Designers Visual Studio/Standalone Report Designer


The Actions of the report items are not working on previewing the report both in a report viewer and in a report designer.


Depending on the exact scenario, use any of the following approaches to solve this issue:

  • Actions not working in Visual Studio - HTML Preview

    The Report Designer integrated in Visual Studio provides the HTML Preview option. Visual Studio uses Internet Explorer 7 as a browser where the Reporting engine applies HTML5 standards to produce an HTML document from the report definition. As a result, actions may not work and the layout of the report may appear different from that in HTML5-compliant browsers.

    To solve this issue, use a web application with the HTML5 Viewer to preview the result.

  • Actions not working in the Print preview of the report

    The Print preview mode of a report viewer displays the report the way it will look in a physical format like PDF. In such formats, actions like ToggleVisibilityAction are not active.

    To solve this issue, switch to the Interactive preview mode. Depending on the media and the selected rendering format, actions may be supported.

  • The drill-through report action (NavigateToReportAction is not working in preview in the HTML5 Viewer

    Navigation between reports can be disabled if the target report is specified through the InstanceReportSource|XmlReportSource ('Object instance'|'XML markup' in the Load Report Dialog on configuring the NavigateToReportAction. The ReportSource is handled internally by the Reporting REST service resolver, which is not designed to handle a custom report instance as the target report of an action.

    It is unnecessary to use the InstanceReportSource|XmlReportSource for reports designed by Report Designers without further customization. Use a TypeReportSource or UriReportSource ('Type name' or 'URL or file') will assure the proper processing and rendering of the action.

    To handle a custom case where a report instance has to be used, specify the target report by using a TypeReportsource|UriReportSource with a string. The string will be sent to the service Report Resolver. Then, plug a custom resolver to handle the case in code.

  • The drill-down report action (TogglevisibilityAction does not toggle the visibility of all required items/sections

    By configuring the ToggleVisibilityAction, you can set a list of targets which includes sub groups, items, and sections. Beside setting the targets, you need to set the Visible properties of the targets depending on whether you want them to be initially shown or hidden.

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