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Deploying Web Site Projects

This is a legacy report viewer and for new projects our recommendation is to use the latest WebForms Report Viewer - HTML5 Web Forms Report Viewer

This article describes how to deploy Web Sites that use Telerik Reporting ASP.NET WebForms Report Viewer on a production server.

During the installation of Telerik Reporting on your machine, the Telerik assemblies were added to the GAC. When deploying a Web Site project the assemblies from the GAC are not copied automatically so you need to make sure the assemblies physically exist in the bin folder of your application.

Required assemblies:

  • Telerik.Reporting.dll
  • Telerik.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll

Optional assemblies:

These assemblies add up to the core reporting functionality and should be used only if you need the specific feature. They are responsible for additional support formats, database session, or retrieving data from an OLAP cube.

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