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How to Create a Report Book at Runtime

You can programmatically create a report book at runtime by using the Telerik Reporting API.

The following steps are required to create a report book at runtime:

  1. Create an instance of the ReportBook class
  2. Add the necessary ReportSources to its ReportSources collection.

Alternatively, you can derive from the ReportBook class and initialize the book in the constructor if you want to separate the report book implementation details from the rest of your code.

The ReportBook is an IReportDocument. The latter exposes ReportParameters property that is obsolete and the ReportBook doesn't implement it. Thus, the ReportBook doesn't have a collection of parameters.

The ReportSource with a ReportBook as report document exposes ParameterCollection. The values from the collection will be distributed among the reports in the ReportBook as explained in the article Report Book Parameters.

In the sample below we add two reports and a Table of Contents (TOC):

  1. First is the 'WeekdayReport', which is a CS/VB class inheriting from Telerik.Reporting.Report. It is added as a TypeReportSource - check Available ReportSources.
  2. Second is the 'Glossary.trdp' report created with the Standalone Designer. It is added wrapped in a UriReportSource. You need to specify the relative or full path to the TRDP file:
  3. (optional)Finally, we add the 'TocReport.trdp', which contains only a TOC section, as a TocReportSource of the ReportBook.
var reportBook = new ReportBook();

var weekdayReportSource = new TypeReportSource();
weekdayReportSource.TypeName = typeof(WeekdayReport).AssemblyQualifiedName;

var glossaryReportSource = new UriReportSource();
glossaryReportSource.Uri = "Reports\\Glossary.trdp";

//Optionally, add TOC, which is a new report that contains only TOC section
var tocReportSource = new UriReportSource();
tocReportSource.Uri = "Reports\\TocReport.trdp";
reportBook.TocReportSource = tocReportSource;
Dim reportBook = New ReportBook()
Dim weekdayReportSource = New TypeReportSource()
weekdayReportSource.TypeName = GetType(WeekendReport).AssemblyQualifiedName

Dim glossaryReportSource = New UriReportSource()
glossaryReportSource.Uri = "Reports\Glossary.trdp"

'Optionally, add TOC, which is a new report that contains only TOC section
Dim tocReportSource = New UriReportSource()
tocReportSource.Uri = "Reports\TocReport.trdp"
reportBook.TocReportSource = tocReportSource
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