SQL Server Login failed for user DOMAIN\COMPUTER$
Product | Progress® Telerik® Report Server |
Report Server or Standalone Report Designer cannot connect to Microsoft SQL Server storage when using integrated security. The error message states Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\COMPUTER$' (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456).
The DOMAIN\COMPUTER$ part of the error message is a tad misleading. Even if we assign the sysadmin role to the current domain user, the issue will not go away. We need to find out which is the real user trying to access the database and is denied login. In the case of the default Report Server installation this will be the IIS APPPOOL\TelerikReportServer. When working with a development server (Visual Studio) this will be the IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool user. Once we find which is the user, we can add it to the SQL Server logins:
Set the login name in the General page.
In the Server Roles page assign the desired roles.
Add User Mappings and database role membership.
In Securables add the SQL Server instance and grant it the Connect SQL permission.