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How to customize preview in Report Server


Product Progress® Telerik® Report Server


  • The proposed modifications will not be preserved upon Telerik Report Server upgrade. After an upgrade it will be necessary to repeat the process.
  • With the possible future updates of the Html5 Report Viewer template it may be necessary to change also the suggested workflow.


The layout of Reports Preview in Telerik Report Server is currently fixed, based on default CSS styling and Html template.


The look of reports Preview in the Report Server is customizable in the same way the Html5 Report Viewer is. To achieve the desired appearance you could use a local/custom template for the ReportViewer, where to refer a custom/modified CSS file with appropriate ReportViewer styles.
The template should be assigned to the 'templateUrl' property of the HTML5ReportViewer, as explained in this collection of help articles.

Here is a sample step-by-step guide:

1. Create folder styles in (Telerik Report Server installation folder)\Telerik.ReportServer.Web\ReportViewer and add file telerikReportViewer.css with the viewer styles. If you have Telerik Reporting installed on the machine, you could copy the file telerikReportViewer.css file from (Telerik Reporting installation folder)\Html5\ReportViewer (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Reporting R1 2018\Html5\ReportViewer\styles).

Otherwise, you could download the content of file telerikReportViewer.css from the Report Server, and save it in the local folder. The exact URL is (Report Server host)/api/reports/resources/styles/telerikReportViewer-css.

After creating (copying/downloading) the file, you could modify the appropriate styles to achieve the desired report appearance in the viewer.

2. Create folder templates in (Telerik Report Server installation folder)\Telerik.ReportServer.Web\ReportViewer and add file telerikReportViewerTemplate.html - the report viewer template. If you have Telerik Reporting installed on the machine, you could copy the file telerikReportViewerTemplate.html file from (Telerik Reporting installation folder)\Html5\ReportViewer (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Reporting R1 2018\Html5\ReportViewer\templates).

Otherwise, you could copy the code for file telerikReportViewerTemplate.html from the Report Server. The exact URL is (Report Server host)/api/reports/resources/templates/telerikReportViewerTemplate-html. Note that it would be necessary to display the actual code from the above URL with View Page Source, and copy and paste the code in the file.

Change the reference to CSS styles for the Report Viewer in telerikReportViewerTemplate.html file by substituting thе default code:

<link href="{service}resources/styles/telerikReportViewer-css" rel="stylesheet" />

with thе code

<link href="/ReportViewer/styles/telerikReportViewer.css" rel="stylesheet" />

3. The viewer is configured in the Preview.cshtml View file that could be found in the folder (Telerik Report Server installation folder)\Telerik.ReportServer.Web\Views\Report (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Report Server\Telerik.ReportServer.Web\Views\Report). Modify Preview.cshtm by setting templateUrl property of the ReportViewer:

serviceUrl: '@Url.Content("~/api/reports/")',
templateUrl: '/ReportViewer/templates/telerikReportViewerTemplate.html',
reportSource: {
report: '@Model.ReportSource',
parameters: @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.Parameters))

4. Restart the Report Server.

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