Cannot read a document with the specified schema
Product | Progress® Telerik® Report Server |
After publishing a report to Report Server and previewing it, there is an error displayed in the viewer: "Cannot read a document with the specified schema".
Error Message
Cannot read a document with the specified schema
This error is caused by the mismatch in Telerik Reporting versions, report that is created or modified with a newer version cannot be processed by the older version. When you modify the report in the Standalone Designer of the newer version, the XML schema of the report will be updated. The Reporting engine of the older version is not able to read the updated schema and will show the mentioned error.
To avoid issues caused by the version mismatch when using both Telerik Reporting and Report Server products it is recommended:
- To have Telerik Reporting and Report Server of the same version on the machine. If you have upgraded Telerik Reporting to the latest version consider upgrading the Telerik Report Server as well.
- Create and modify reports with the Standalone Report Designer that is shipped with the Report Server. This way you can be sure that the versions of Designer and Report Server are the same. The designer can be found in the product installation folder, for example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Report Server\Telerik.ReportServer.Web\Report Designer