The chart series label configuration.
Configuration Attributes
ariaTemplate java.lang.String
The template which renders the ARIA label for the series labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, line and pie series.; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available only for 100% stacked charts.; series - the data series or value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field..
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels ariaTemplate="ariaTemplate">
background java.lang.String
The background color of the labels. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels background="background">
color java.lang.String
The text color of the labels. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels color="color">
font java.lang.String
The font style of the labels. Accepts a valid CSS color string, for example "20px 'Courier New'".
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels font="font">
format java.lang.String
The format of the labels. Uses kendo.format.
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels format="format">
margin float
The margin of the labels. A numeric value will set all margins. Further configuration is available via kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels-margin.
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels margin="margin">
padding float
The padding of the labels. A numeric value will set all margins. Further configuration is available via kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels-padding.
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels padding="padding">
position java.lang.String
The position of the labels. "above" - the label is positioned at the top of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.; "below" - the label is positioned at the bottom of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.; "center" - the label is positioned at the point center. Applicable for bar, column, donut, pie, funnel, pyramid, radarColumn and waterfall series.; "insideBase" - the label is positioned inside, near the base of the bar. Applicable for bar, column and waterfall series.; "insideEnd" - the label is positioned inside, near the end of the point. Applicable for bar, column, donut, pie, radarColumn and waterfall series.; "left" - the label is positioned to the left of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.; "outsideEnd" - the label is positioned outside, near the end of the point. Applicable for bar, column, donut, pie, radarColumn and waterfall series. Not applicable for stacked series.; "right" - the label is positioned to the right of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.; "top" - the label is positioned at the top of the segment. Applicable for funnel and pyramid series.; "bottom" - the label is positioned at the bottom of the segment. Applicable for funnel and pyramid series. or "auto" - the from and to labels area positioned at the top/bottom(rangeArea series) or left/right(verticalRangeArea series) so that they are outside the filled area. Applicable for rangeArea and verticalRangeArea series..
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels position="position">
rotation java.lang.Object
The rotation angle of the labels. By default, the labels are not rotated.
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels rotation="rotation">
template java.lang.String
The template which renders the chart series label.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, funnel, pyramid, line and pie series.; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available for donut, funnel, pyramid and pie series.; series - the data series; value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field.; runningTotal - the sum of point values since the last "runningTotal" summary point. Available for waterfall series. or total - the sum of all previous series values. Available for waterfall series..
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels template="template">
visible boolean
If set to true the chart will display the series labels. By default chart series labels are not displayed.
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels visible="visible">
visual java.lang.String
A function that can be used to create a custom visual for the labels. The available argument fields are: text - the label text.; rect - the kendo.geometry.Rect that defines where the visual should be rendered.; options - the label options.; createVisual - a function that can be used to get the default visual.; sender - the chart instance (may be undefined).; value - The point value.; category - The point category.; stackValue - The cumulative point value on the stack. Available only for the stackable series.; dataItem - The point dataItem.; series - The point series.; percentage - The point value that is represented as a percentage value. Available only for the Donut, Pie, and 100% stacked charts.; runningTotal - The sum of point values from the last runningTotal summary point onwards. Available for the Waterfall series. or total - The sum of all previous series values. Available for the Waterfall series..
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels visual="visual">
Configuration JSP Tags
The border of the labels.
More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels-border.
The chart series from label configuration.
More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels-from.
The margin of the labels. A numeric value will set all margins.
More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels-margin.
The padding of the labels. A numeric value will set all margins.
More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels-padding.
The chart series to label configuration.
More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels-to.
Event Attributes
ariaTemplate String
The template which renders the ARIA label for the series labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, line and pie series.; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available only for 100% stacked charts.; series - the data series or value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field..
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels ariaTemplate="handle_ariaTemplate">
function handle_ariaTemplate(e) {
// Code to handle the ariaTemplate event.
position String
The position of the labels. "above" - the label is positioned at the top of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.; "below" - the label is positioned at the bottom of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.; "center" - the label is positioned at the point center. Applicable for bar, column, donut, pie, funnel, pyramid, radarColumn and waterfall series.; "insideBase" - the label is positioned inside, near the base of the bar. Applicable for bar, column and waterfall series.; "insideEnd" - the label is positioned inside, near the end of the point. Applicable for bar, column, donut, pie, radarColumn and waterfall series.; "left" - the label is positioned to the left of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.; "outsideEnd" - the label is positioned outside, near the end of the point. Applicable for bar, column, donut, pie, radarColumn and waterfall series. Not applicable for stacked series.; "right" - the label is positioned to the right of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.; "top" - the label is positioned at the top of the segment. Applicable for funnel and pyramid series.; "bottom" - the label is positioned at the bottom of the segment. Applicable for funnel and pyramid series. or "auto" - the from and to labels area positioned at the top/bottom(rangeArea series) or left/right(verticalRangeArea series) so that they are outside the filled area. Applicable for rangeArea and verticalRangeArea series..
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels position="handle_position">
function handle_position(e) {
// Code to handle the position event.
template String
The template which renders the chart series label.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, funnel, pyramid, line and pie series.; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available for donut, funnel, pyramid and pie series.; series - the data series; value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field.; runningTotal - the sum of point values since the last "runningTotal" summary point. Available for waterfall series. or total - the sum of all previous series values. Available for waterfall series..
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels template="handle_template">
function handle_template(e) {
// Code to handle the template event.
visual String
A function that can be used to create a custom visual for the labels. The available argument fields are: text - the label text.; rect - the kendo.geometry.Rect that defines where the visual should be rendered.; options - the label options.; createVisual - a function that can be used to get the default visual.; sender - the chart instance (may be undefined).; value - The point value.; category - The point category.; stackValue - The cumulative point value on the stack. Available only for the stackable series.; dataItem - The point dataItem.; series - The point series.; percentage - The point value that is represented as a percentage value. Available only for the Donut, Pie, and 100% stacked charts.; runningTotal - The sum of point values from the last runningTotal summary point onwards. Available for the Waterfall series. or total - The sum of all previous series values. Available for the Waterfall series..
<kendo:chart-seriesDefaults-labels visual="handle_visual">
function handle_visual(e) {
// Code to handle the visual event.
Event Tags
The template which renders the ARIA label for the series labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, line and pie series.; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available only for 100% stacked charts.; series - the data series or value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field..
function(e) {
// Code to handle the ariaTemplate event.
The position of the labels. "above" - the label is positioned at the top of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.; "below" - the label is positioned at the bottom of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.; "center" - the label is positioned at the point center. Applicable for bar, column, donut, pie, funnel, pyramid, radarColumn and waterfall series.; "insideBase" - the label is positioned inside, near the base of the bar. Applicable for bar, column and waterfall series.; "insideEnd" - the label is positioned inside, near the end of the point. Applicable for bar, column, donut, pie, radarColumn and waterfall series.; "left" - the label is positioned to the left of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.; "outsideEnd" - the label is positioned outside, near the end of the point. Applicable for bar, column, donut, pie, radarColumn and waterfall series. Not applicable for stacked series.; "right" - the label is positioned to the right of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.; "top" - the label is positioned at the top of the segment. Applicable for funnel and pyramid series.; "bottom" - the label is positioned at the bottom of the segment. Applicable for funnel and pyramid series. or "auto" - the from and to labels area positioned at the top/bottom(rangeArea series) or left/right(verticalRangeArea series) so that they are outside the filled area. Applicable for rangeArea and verticalRangeArea series..
function(e) {
// Code to handle the position event.
The template which renders the chart series label.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, funnel, pyramid, line and pie series.; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available for donut, funnel, pyramid and pie series.; series - the data series; value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field.; runningTotal - the sum of point values since the last "runningTotal" summary point. Available for waterfall series. or total - the sum of all previous series values. Available for waterfall series..
function(e) {
// Code to handle the template event.
A function that can be used to create a custom visual for the labels. The available argument fields are: text - the label text.; rect - the kendo.geometry.Rect that defines where the visual should be rendered.; options - the label options.; createVisual - a function that can be used to get the default visual.; sender - the chart instance (may be undefined).; value - The point value.; category - The point category.; stackValue - The cumulative point value on the stack. Available only for the stackable series.; dataItem - The point dataItem.; series - The point series.; percentage - The point value that is represented as a percentage value. Available only for the Donut, Pie, and 100% stacked charts.; runningTotal - The sum of point values from the last runningTotal summary point onwards. Available for the Waterfall series. or total - The sum of all previous series values. Available for the Waterfall series..
function(e) {
// Code to handle the visual event.