
The category axis configuration options.



Configuration Attributes

axisCrossingValue java.lang.Object

Category index at which the first value axis crosses this axis (when set as an object).Category indices at which the value axes cross the category axis (when set as an array).


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem axisCrossingValue="axisCrossingValue">

background java.lang.String

The background color of the axis.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem background="background">

baseUnit java.lang.String

The base time interval for the date axis. The default base unit is determined automatically from the minimum difference between subsequent categories.The supported values are: "fit"; "milliseconds"; "seconds"; "minutes"; "hours"; "days"; "weeks"; "months" or "years". Setting baseUnit to "fit" will set such base unit and categoryAxis.baseUnitStep that the total number of categories does not exceed categoryAxis.maxDateGroups.Series data is aggregated for the specified base unit using the series.aggregate function.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem baseUnit="baseUnit">

baseUnitStep java.lang.Object

The step (interval) between categories in base units. Setting it to "auto" will set the step to such value that the total number of categories does not exceed categoryAxis.maxDateGroups.This option is ignored if categoryAxis.baseUnit is set to "fit".


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem baseUnitStep="baseUnitStep">

categories java.lang.Object

The category names. The chart will create a category for every item of the array.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem categories="categories">

color java.lang.String

The color to apply to all axis elements. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb. Can be overridden by categoryAxis.labels.color andcategoryAxis.line.color.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem color="color">

field java.lang.String

The data item field which contains the category name. Requires the dataSource option to be set. The field name should be a valid Javascript identifier and should contain only alphanumeric characters (or "$" or "_"), and may not start with a digit.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem field="field">

justified boolean

If set to true the chart will position categories and series points on major ticks. This removes the empty space before and after the series.The default value is false except for "area", "verticalArea", "rangeArea" and "verticalRangeArea".


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem justified="justified">

max java.lang.Object

The last date displayed on the category date axis. By default, the minimum date is the same as the last category. This is often used in combination with the categoryAxis.min and categoryAxis.roundToBaseUnit options to set up a fixed date range.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem max="max">

maxDateGroups float

The maximum number of groups (categories) to display whencategoryAxis.baseUnit is set to "fit" orcategoryAxis.baseUnitStep is set to "auto".


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem maxDateGroups="maxDateGroups">

maxDivisions float

The maximum number of ticks, labels and grid lines to display. Applicable for date category axis. You can combine this property with a bigger value of the maxDateGroups property to increase the number of rendered data points in the Chart without drawing too many labels, ticks, and grid lines.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem maxDivisions="maxDivisions">

min java.lang.Object

The first date displayed on the category date axis. By default, the minimum date is the same as the first category. This is often used in combination with the categoryAxis.min and categoryAxis.roundToBaseUnit options to set up a fixed date range.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem min="min">

name java.lang.String

The unique axis name. Used to associate a series with a category axis using the series.categoryAxis option.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem name="name">

pane java.lang.String

The name of the pane that the category axis should be rendered in. The axis will be rendered in the first (default) pane if not set.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem pane="pane">

reverse boolean

If set to true the category axis direction will be reversed. By default categories are listed from left to right and from bottom to top.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem reverse="reverse">

roundToBaseUnit boolean

If set to true the chart will round the first and last date to the nearest base unit.The roundToBaseUnit option will be ignored if series.type is set to "bar", "column", "boxPlot", "ohlc", "candlestick" or "waterfall".


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem roundToBaseUnit="roundToBaseUnit">

startAngle float

The angle (degrees) of the first category on the axis.Angles increase clockwise and zero is to the left. Negative values are acceptable.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem startAngle="startAngle">

type java.lang.String

The category axis type.The supported values are: "category" - discrete category axis. or "date" - specialized axis for displaying chronological data..


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem type="type">

visible boolean

If set to true the chart will display the category axis. By default the category axis is visible.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem visible="visible">

weekStartDay float

The week start day when categoryAxis.baseUnit is set to "weeks".The supported values are: kendo.days.Sunday - equal to 0; kendo.days.Monday - equal to 1; kendo.days.Tuesday - equal to 2; kendo.days.Wednesday - equal to 3; kendo.days.Thursday - equal to 4; kendo.days.Friday - equal to 5 or kendo.days.Saturday - equal to 6.


<kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem weekStartDay="weekStartDay">

Configuration JSP Tags


The discrete categoryAxis.baseUnitStep values when either categoryAxis.baseUnit is set to "fit" orcategoryAxis.baseUnitStep is set to "auto".The axis will try to divide the active period into successively larger intervals. It will start from x-second intervals, where x is picked from the autoBaseUnitSteps.seconds array. Then it will move to minutes, seconds and so on. This will continue until the number of intervals is less thanmaxDateGroups.

More documentation is available at kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem-autoBaseUnitSteps.




The crosshair configuration options.

More documentation is available at kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem-crosshair.




The axis labels configuration.

More documentation is available at kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem-labels.




The configuration of the axis lines. Also affects the major and minor ticks, but not the grid lines.

More documentation is available at kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem-line.




The configuration of the major grid lines. These are the lines that are an extension of the major ticks through the body of the chart.

More documentation is available at kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem-majorGridLines.




The configuration of the category axis major ticks.

More documentation is available at kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem-majorTicks.




The configuration of the minor grid lines. These are the lines that are an extension of the minor ticks through the body of the chart.

More documentation is available at kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem-minorGridLines.




The configuration of the category axis minor ticks.

More documentation is available at kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem-minorTicks.




The category axis notes configuration.

More documentation is available at kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem-notes.




The plot bands of the category axis.

More documentation is available at kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem-plotBands.




The configuration of the date axis date range labels.

More documentation is available at kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem-rangeLabels.




The selected axis range. If set, axis selection will be enabled.The range is index based, starting from 0. Categories with indexes in the range [select.from, select.to) will be selected. That is, the last category in the range will not be included in the selection.If the categories are dates, the range must also be specified with date values.

More documentation is available at kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem-select.




The title configuration of the category axis.

More documentation is available at kendo:chart-categoryAxisItem-title.


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