Telerik NuGet Server

The following steps demonstrate how users can take advantage of Telerik NuGet server in order to include our suite in their solution and/or update to the latest available version.

The credentials needed to access Telerik Nuget server are the same you use to log into your Telerik account.

Visual Studio

The first step is to add the Telerik server to the NuGet package sources. This can be done in the Package Manager Settings from the Tools menu.

In the the Package Sources section users can add new sources.

In the Source field users should fill in the address of the Telerik server (URL: and click the Update button.

The previous version of the Telerik NuGet server ( will be deprecated. Update your settings to point to the new v3 API (URL:, which is faster, lighter, and reduces the number of requests from NuGet clients.

The Telerik server is now ready to use. Users can go to their solution and open the solution package manager.

Users have to find the FiddlerCore package and install it to their projects following these steps:

  1. Select the Telerik server as a package source and enter their credentials when prompted.
  2. Search for the FiddlerCore package.
  3. Select the package when found.
  4. Select which projects will have the package installed.
  5. Choose the desired version and click Install.

Now the user's solution has all required Telerik assemblies.

Visual Studio for Mac

Users first have to add the Telerik NuGet server in their packages sources list. This can be done by clicking on the settings icon of any “Packages” folder (any project will do the job) and choosing “Add Packages…”.

Add Packages

This will open another dialog. Users need to choose “Configure Sources…” option from the dropdown in the upper right corner.

Configure Sources

On the next dialog users will see all the available sources. Choose “Add” to add the new server.

Add Telerik NuGet server

In the Add Package Source dialog users should fill in the information of the Telerik server (URL: as well as their private Telerik credentials. Authentication procedure is required in order to allow downloading the packs.

The previous version of the Telerik NuGet server ( will be deprecated. Update your settings to point to the new v3 API (URL:, which is faster, lighter, and reduces the number of requests from NuGet clients.

Telerik NuGet server details

After the Telerik NuGet server is added users will be able to see the packages they are allowed to download in the Add Packages dialog. This will allow them to check the FiddlerCore pack and add it into their projects.

Add FiddlerCore pack

Once the server is added users will be able to add to their projects any of the Telerik NuGet packages available for their license. One click on the settings icon of the “Packages” folder of any project will open the Add Packages dialog where the available Telerik packs will be listed.

Telerik NuGet packages


'401 Logon failed' error

If you're receiving this error when connecting to Telerik Nuget Server, you could try to update your NuGet credentials through the Windows Credential Manager. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Close all open Visual Studio instances (this is so that all NuGet package manager tasks are stopped);
  2. Open the "Credential Manager" app on your PC;
  3. Scroll through all the entries until you find any that are for;
  4. Once you find that entry, expand it and select "edit";
  5. Make sure the username and password are the same ones you use for your Telerik account (use the Email in the place of username) and click "Save".

Now you can reopen Visual Studio and access the Telerik NuGet server.

Next Steps

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