Import and Export Sessions with FiddlerCore

This article explains how to import and export sessions with FiddlerCore.

Import Sessions

You can import sessions with FiddlerCore by using the following code:

    Session[] loaded = Utilities.ReadSessionArchive(sazFilename, false, "", (file, part) =>
        Console.WriteLine($"Enter the password for { part } (or just hit Enter to cancel):");
        string sResult = Console.ReadLine();

        return sResult;

Export Sessions

You can export sessions with FiddlerCore by using the following code:

    bool success = Utilities.WriteSessionArchive(filename, sessions.ToArray(), password, false);

Custom SAZ Provider

There are cases when you may want to use custom provider to save FiddlerCore sessions. You do this by setting the following property:

    FiddlerApplication.oSAZProvider = new CustomSazProvider();
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