Capturing AWS Traffic


Product Version 1.0.0 and above
3rd-party tool AWS CLI
Supported OS macOS, Linux, Windows


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a popular tool that provides multiple options for configuring and managing computing power, database storage, content delivery, and others through the AWS CLI. How can I set up Fiddler Everywhere to capture and decrypt HTTPS requests made from the AWS CLI?


Configuring the AWS CLI alongside Fiddler Everywhere

To capture traffic generated from AWS CLI commands, you need to configure the Fiddler Proxy for the preferred terminal application (where AWS CLI will be executed) and configure the AWS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable for the certificate bundle that will be used for HTTPS certificate validation.

  1. Open the terminal application where the AWS CLI commands will run. Set the terminal application to use the Fiddler Everywhere proxy, as described in this KB article.

  2. Open Fiddler Everywhere and export the Fiddler_Root_Certificate_Authority.crt file through Settings > HTTPS > Advanced Settings > Export root certificate(PEM/ASCII format) (note that this is not the default option from the drop-down menu). The certificate is exported to ~/Desktop as file with name Fiddler_Root_Certificate_Authority.pem.

  3. Use the exported PEM file to set the AWS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable. The AWS_CA_BUNDLE specifies the path to a certificate bundle to use for HTTPS certificate validation. If defined, this environment variable overrides the value for the profile setting ca_bundle.

    export AWS_CA_BUNDLE=~/Desktop/Fiddler_Root_Certificate_Authority.pem
  4. Start capturing the traffic generated from the AWS CLI commands.

    aws sts get-caller-identity

Resetting the AWS CLI to Default Settings

After the debugging of the request is over, reset the AWS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable by using the unset command.


You can also reset the Fiddler Proxy in your terminal application.