Sharing Traffic with Fiddler Everywhere

This article covers the sharing capabilities of Fiddler Everywhere as follows:

Sharing Session's Snapshots

To share captured traffic with other collaborators, first, you need to save the session snapshot. When sharing is used, Fiddler transfers the saved sessions to the cloud. Only users with knowledge of the password can open the session entry for encrypted sessions.

Sharing Selected Sessions

To share a selected session from the ongoing capturing in the sessions grid:

  1. Select a session or multiple sessions from the sessions grid.

  2. Click the Share button from the more option. This action loads the Save Session prompt window.

  3. Give the snapshot a name, choose a destination folder, and then click Save and Proceed. This action loads the Share Sessions prompt window.

  4. Enter a valid email (mandatory) and notes (optional), and then click Share.

Sharing Saved Session Snapshot

To share a saved session snapshot from the save Snapshots tree:

  1. Double-click a saved session entry from the save Snapshots tree.

  2. The session entry opens in a new tab. Click the Share button from the more option in the toolbar. This action loads the Share Sessions prompt window.

    Sessions list

  3. Enter a valid email (mandatory) and notes (optional), and then click Share.

Managing Users

The Manage Users option appears if the session snapshot is stored in the cloud and shared. Click Manage Users to prompt a window that allows you to manage the list of users with access to the shared session.

Deleting Shared Sessions

Fiddler Everywhere provides options for deleting previously shared sessions. To select the sessions you want to delete, go to the save Snapshots tree and use the Delete button. All users added as collaborators will be notified through the notification bar and with an email message that the shared session is now deleted. To restore deleted sessions, use the Shared Snapshots option.

Sharing Requests Collections

The Composer in Fiddler Everywhere is a powerful tool that allows you to execute custom API requests. You can also store these requests in a collection in the Requests list and share all saved collections.

To share a collection of saved API requests, follow these steps:

  • Open the Requests pane.

  • Select a requests collection from the Requests list.

  • Click the Share icon. Then, enter the email addresses of the users in the Share Collection window.

    Sharing an API request collection

Sharing Requests Collections Specifics

Consider the following when sharing a collection of requests.

  • You can share a collection only if you are the collection owner.

  • You can share only collection folders on the root level of the Requests list. You cannot share individual sub-folders.

    Share collection popup

Sharing Rules

To share a created rule or group of rules, execute the following steps:

  • Open the Rules tab.

  • Select a rule or group of rules from the list.

  • Click on the Share button.

    Sharing a rule or group of rules

Adding Context for Collaborators

Some network sessions may lack essential details not captured in the technical data. Fiddler Everywhere provides options for you and your collaborators to add context to the captured and shared sessions, comment in the same communication thread, and provide additional information by adding comments per session and notes per shared entities.


Add a custom comment to one or more captured sessions to provide additional context.

  1. Select a session from the sessions grid or load a saved snapshot from the save Snapshots tree.

  2. Add a comment by using the Comment option from the context menu or press the M key while selecting the desired sessions. As a result, the newly added comment will appear in the Comments column.

    Add a comment for selected sessions


Add additional context in the form of a descriptive note while sharing one or more sessions.

  1. Use the Share option.

  2. In the first dialog window, provide a name for the shared sessions, set password protection, and choose the local destination folder.

  3. In the second dialog window, provide the additional information in the Add a note field.

    Add a note in share prompt window

Receiving Shared Resources

The Fiddler Everywhere client informs the recipients about shared resources (including shared sessions, requests, and rules) in the following ways:

  • Collaborators receive an email with an invitation to open the shared resources. If the session creator has added a note, the email will display the note as well.

  • All listed collaborators receive a notification within the Fiddler Everywhere client. To open the shared session:

    • Click on the received notification.

    • Confirm the opening of the resource.

    • The shared resources load in the respective section (for example, a shared session loads in the Snapshots list, a rule in the Rules queue, and a request in the Requests collection). If the shared resource is a snapshot of sessions, its content immediately loads in a new tab.

    Notification for received content