RadEntry exposes the following events:
TextChanged: Occurs when the text is changed. The TextChanged event handler receives a TextChangedEventArgs argument containing data related to this event. The TextChangedEventArgs provides the following properties:
- NewTextValue(string): which gets the new text value.
- OldTextValue(string): that gets the old text value.
Completed: Occurs when the user finalizes the text in an entry with the return key.
RadEntry control exposes Command for its Completed event: CompletedCommand(ICommand).
Here is the RadEntry definition in XAML with the TextChanged and Completed event handlers:
<telerikInput:RadEntry x:Name="entry"
WatermarkText="Watermark Text"
<Label x:Name="textChangedLabel"/>
Here is a sample implementation of the TexhChanged event:
private void Entry_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
this.textChangedLabel.Text = $"Text changed from {e.OldTextValue} to {e.NewTextValue}";
and for the Completed event:
private void Entry_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.textChangedLabel.Text = "User completed entering text";
You can find a working demo labeled Events in the Entry/Features folder of the SDK Samples Browser application.