Namespace Telerik.XamarinForms.Common
AttachableObjectCollection<TOwner, TObject>
Display mode. |
Specify the Dock position of an element inside RadDockLayout |
Defines the modes for displaying empty content. |
Represents a custom Xamarin.Forms.IValueConverter that converts a Boolean value to its opposite (!)(NOT) value. |
Indicates whether the dragged item should be placed before or after the destination item. |
Represents an arc segment of a path figure. |
Represents an arc segment of a path figure. |
Represents a conic segment of a path figure. |
Represents a cubic segment of a path figure. |
A layout that position its children based on their Dock value relative to each other. |
Represents an ellipse geometry. |
Base abstract class representing a geometric shape. |
Represents a line geometry. |
Represents a line segment of a path figure. |
Represents a path figure composed of one or more path segments. |
Represents a complex path geometry composed of one or more path figures. |
Base abstract class representing a path segment. |
Represents a quadratic segment of a path figure. |
Represents a rectangle geometry. |
RadValueChangedEventArgs<TValue> Represents the event arguments for a property change event. |
A layout that position each child either horizontally or vertically and wraps them when there is no more space in the current orientation. |
Represents a singleton class that manages application string resources. |
The visibility of element. |
Implementations of this interface MUST convert iOS and Android platform-specific locales to a value supported in .NET because ONLY valid .NET cultures can have their RESX resources loaded and used. |
Defines a type that has a notation for a Current item. This notation is typical for data-bound components like RadDataGrid. |