Prevent RadDiagramConnection Point from Delete
Product Version | 2019.3.1023 |
Product | RadDiagram for WPF |
How to prevent RadDiagramConnection point from delete.
To achieve this requirement you can handle the PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown event of RadDiagram in the situation when Ctrl is pressed and a RadDiagramConnection point is under the mouse.
Example 1: Prevent RadDiagramConnection Point from Delete
private void Diagram_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
var selectionService = this.diagram.ServiceLocator.GetService<ISelectionService<IDiagramItem>>() as SelectionService;
if (KeyboardModifiers.IsControlDown)
var selectedConnection = selectionService.SelectedConnections.FirstOrDefault();
if (selectedConnection != null)
var position = e.GetPosition(this.diagram);
var transformedPosition = this.diagram.GetTransformedPoint(position);
var relativePoint = new Point(transformedPosition.X - 5, transformedPosition.Y - 5);
var rect = new Rect(relativePoint, new Size(10, 10));
if (connection.ConnectionPoints.Any(rect.Contains))
e.Handled = true;