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Save Executed Event in RadSpreadsheet


Product RadSpreadsheet for WPF
Version 2024.3.924


How to listen for the save file command of RadSpreadsheet for WPF.


To do this, you can subscribe to the UICommandExecuted event of the RadWorksheetEditor object.

RadWorksheetEditor editorCache = null; 
private void RadSpreadsheet_ActiveSheetEditorChanged(object? sender, EventArgs e) 
    var spreadsheet = (RadSpreadsheet)sender; 
    if (editorCache != null) 
        editorCache.UICommandExecuted -= ActiveSheetEditor_UICommandExecuted; 
    if (spreadsheet.ActiveWorksheetEditor != null) 
        spreadsheet.ActiveWorksheetEditor.UICommandExecuted += ActiveSheetEditor_UICommandExecuted; 
    editorCache = spreadsheet.ActiveWorksheetEditor; 
private void ActiveSheetEditor_UICommandExecuted(object? sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.Spreadsheet.Commands.UICommandExecutedEventArgs e) 
    var editor = (RadWorksheetEditor)sender; 
    if (editor.Commands.SaveFile == e.Command) 
      // execute your code here 
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