Paste an Image from the Clipboard to RadImageEditor
Product Version | 2019.1.220 |
Product | RadImageEditor for WPF |
Paste an image file or selection from the clipboard to RadImageEditor.
The following code snippet demonstrates how to get an image from the clipboard and load it in RadImageEditor.
this.ImageEditor.KeyUp += (s, e) =>
if (e.Key == Key.V && KeyboardModifiers.IsControlDown)
var image = Clipboard.GetImage();
if (image != null)
this.ImageEditor.Image = new RadBitmap(image);
var files = Clipboard.GetFileDropList();
if (files.Count > 0)
var file = new FileStream(files[0], FileMode.Open);
this.ImageEditor.Image = new RadBitmap(file);
AddHandler Me.ImageEditor.KeyUp, Sub(s, e)
If e.Key = Key.V AndAlso KeyboardModifiers.IsControlDown Then
Dim image = Clipboard.GetImage()
If image IsNot Nothing Then
Me.ImageEditor.Image = New RadBitmap(image)
Dim files = Clipboard.GetFileDropList()
If files.Count > 0 Then
Dim file = New FileStream(files(0), FileMode.Open)
Me.ImageEditor.Image = New RadBitmap(file)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
The first if statement checks whether an image was copied from another image. If this is not the case, we check whether a whole image file has been copied to the clipboard.