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Set Width of Filter Dialog in RadGridView for WPF


Property Value
Product RadGridView for WPF
Version 2023.3.1114


How to limit the width of the filter dialog (FilteringControl) in RadGridView for WPF when the checkbox list contains long text items.


To change the width of the filter dialog you can set the Width or MaxWidth of the FilteringControl. This can be done via the FilteringControlStyle property of the columns.

<telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Name}"> 
        <!-- if you use the Telerik NoXaml dlls, you will need to add the following setting to the Style object --> 
        <!-- BasedOn="{StaticResource FilteringControlStyle}" --> 
        <Style TargetType="telerik:FilteringControl"> 
            <Setter Property="MaxWidth" Value="150" /> 
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