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Customize the Distinct Values of a Column When Filtering


Product Version 2023.3.1114
Product RadGridView for WPF


How to customize the distinct values of a column of RadGridView when filtering.


The GridViewBoundColumnBase class exposes the FilteringDisplayFunc property, which will allow you to customize the distinct values when filtering. To achieve this, extend the column that you will use and create a custom function of the type of Func<object, object>. This custom function will be returned when the FilteringDisplayFunc property of this column is called.

The following example shows how to utilize the FilteringDisplayFunc property. It extends the GridViewDataColumn column, but you can use the same approach with the other types of columns:

  1. Create the model and view model:

    Creating a sample model and view model

        public class Person 
            public string Name { get; set; } 
            public bool IsEmployed { get; set; } 
        public class MainViewModel 
            public MainViewModel() 
                this.People = new ObservableCollection<Person>() 
                    new Person() { Name = "Jack", IsEmployed = true }, 
                    new Person() { Name = "Mike", IsEmployed = false }, 
            public ObservableCollection<Person> People { get; set; } 
  2. Extend the column that you will use override the FilteringDisplayFunc property:

    Creating a custom column and overriding the FilteringDisplayFunc property

        public class CustomGridViewDataColumn : GridViewDataColumn 
            protected override Func<object, object> FilteringDisplayFunc => base.FilteringDisplayFunc; 
  3. Create a field of the type of Func<object, object> and a method that will contain the distinct values modification. After that, set it as a return value for the FilteringDisplayFunc property:

    Creating a custom function

        public class CustomGridViewDataColumn : GridViewDataColumn 
            private Func<object, object> filteringDisplayFunc; 
            public CustomGridViewDataColumn() 
                this.filteringDisplayFunc = GetDistinctValueDisplayObject; 
            private object GetDistinctValueDisplayObject(object arg) 
                return null; 
            protected override Func<object, object> FilteringDisplayFunc 
                get { return filteringDisplayFunc; } 
  4. The logic of the custom column will modify the distinct values for the IsEmployed property from the first step.

    Implementing the customization logic for the distinct values of the custom column

        public class CustomGridViewDataColumn : GridViewDataColumn 
            private Func<object, object> filteringDisplayFunc; 
            public CustomGridViewDataColumn() 
                this.filteringDisplayFunc = GetDistinctValueDisplayObject; 
            private object GetDistinctValueDisplayObject(object arg) 
                if (arg is bool isEmployed) 
                    string displayNameValue = isEmployed ? "Is employed" : "Is not employed"; 
                    return displayNameValue; 
                return null; 
            protected override Func<object, object> FilteringDisplayFunc 
                get { return filteringDisplayFunc; } 
  5. Add the custom column to the Columns collection of RadGridView and bind it to the intended property. For this example, it will be the IsEmployed property:

Adding the custom column to the Columns collection of RadGridView

        <telerik:RadGridView ItemsSource="{Binding People}" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> 
                <telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Name}"/> 
                <local:CustomGridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding IsEmployed}"/> 
The produced result will be as follows:

WPF Custom column with modified distinct values

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