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Customize Columns Headers of RadGanttView


Product Version 2024.1.423
Product RadGanttView for WPF


The header of the RadGanttView's ColumnDefinition class is represented by a ColumnHeaderContainer element. The default style of this element sets its ContentTemplate property to a TextBlock element. This element displays the value set to the Header property of the ColumnDefinition class. This prevents setting complex structure for the headers of the columns.


Create a new Style with TargetType="ColumnHeaderContainer" and add a new Setter for the ContentTemplate property. Then, set it to a new DataTemplate with a ContentPresenter instance in it.

Creatring a new Style that targets the ColumnHeaderContainer and sets a custom DataTemplate to its ContentTemplate property

<!--If NoXaml is used base the Style on the default one: BasedOn="{StaticResource ColumnHeaderContainerStyle}"--> 
<Style TargetType="telerik:ColumnHeaderContainer"> 
    <Setter Property="ContentTemplate"> 
                <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Header}"/> 

Setting a complex structure to the Header property of a ColumnDefinition instance

<telerik:ColumnDefinition MemberBinding="{Binding DurationDays}" Width="100"> 
        <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"> 
            <Label Content="Duration" Foreground="Red"/> 
            <Label Content="in days" Foreground="Red"/> 
GanttView ColumnDefinition with complex structure set to its Header property

GanttView ColumnDefinition with complex structure set to its Header property

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