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Here we will explain the tricky moments when defining the models.


The tricky part here is how we implement the BeginEdit, CancelEdit and EndEdit methods in SqlAppointment:

  • On BeginEdit we call the Entity.BeginEdit() method and refresh the ExceptionOccurence and ExceptionAppointment Collection.

  • On CancelEdit we call the Entity.CancelEdit() method so we revert all changes on the SqlAppointment entity, remove all newly created but not saved Exception Occurences, Exception Appointments and Exception Resources.

  • On EndEdit we call the Entity.EndEdit to commit the edits on this entity. On this point we have to manually refresh our SqlAppointmentResources and SqlExceptionResources Many-To-Many tables.


In the SqlRecurrenceRule.CreateNew() method we create a new instance of SqlExeptionOccurence and add it to the SqlExceptionOccurrences collection in the domain context.

Categories and TimeMarkers

We need to generate a brush value from the string stored in the database. What we suggest is to use the SolidColorBrushHelper.FromNameString method that returns a SolidColorBrush if the string in hex format, and Brush if the string is Color Name like "Red". But you could change this logic as well. Here is the SolidColorBrushHelper class:

    internal static class SolidColorBrushHelper 
        public static Brush FromNameString(string brushName) 
            string s = "<SolidColorBrush " + "xmlns=" + "''" + " Color='" + brushName + "' />"; 
                return (Brush)XamlReader.Load(s); 
            catch (Exception) 
                return FromHexString(brushName); 
        private static Brush FromHexString(string colorArgb) 
            var colorHex = uint.Parse(colorArgb, NumberStyles.HexNumber); 
            byte a = (byte)((0xFF000000 & colorHex) / 0x01000000); 
            byte r = (byte)((0x00FF0000 & colorHex) / 0x00010000); 
            byte g = (byte)((0x0000FF00 & colorHex) / 0x00000100); 
            byte b = (byte)((0x000000FF & colorHex) / 0x00000001); 
            return new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b)); 
In this article