The implementation demonstrated in this article can also be reviewed in the Persist LocalDataSourceProvider SDK Example of the SDK Examples Browser
In this article we will show you how to persist the current state of LocalDataSourceProvider via Telerik's RadPersistenceFramework.
Persistence Framework
In this article we will show you how to serialize and deserialize LocalDataSourceProvider and all of its settings via RadPersistenceFramework. You can use this feature to save the current state of the provider and load it next time the application is started.
Persist LocalDataSourceProvider
We've added the DataContract attribute to all classes used by LocalDataSourceProvider. So you can easily serialize it by using DataContractSerializer.
So lets create a simple class that we'll use to save and load DataProviderSettings. You have to add the DataContract attribute to the new class and DataMember attribute for its properties.
public class DataProviderSettings
public object[] Aggregates { get; set; }
public object[] Filters { get; set; }
public object[] Rows { get; set; }
public object[] Columns { get; set; }
public int AggregatesLevel { get; set; }
public PivotAxis AggregatesPosition { get; set; }
<DataContract> _
Public Class DataProviderSettings
<DataMember> _
Public Property Aggregates() As Object()
<DataMember> _
Public Property Filters() As Object()
<DataMember> _
Public Property Rows() As Object()
<DataMember> _
Public Property Columns() As Object()
<DataMember> _
Public Property AggregatesLevel() As Integer
<DataMember> _
Public Property AggregatesPosition() As PivotAxis
End Class
The next step is to create a new class, which implements Telerik.Windows.Persistence.Services.IValueProvider. IValueProvider has two methods that you will have to implement - ProvideValue and RestoreValue. The first one is used when the data is saved. The second one is used when the data is restored from a previously saved state. When saving the provider, you have to create an instance of DataProviderSettings class and set all of the properties. After that you can save the instance to a file or a stream. When using DataContractSerializer you have to give a collection of KnownTypes to the serializer. That's why we've created a new PivotSerializationHelper class which has a static member - KnownTypes. It consists of all types you'll need in order to serialize LocalDataSourceProvider. Here's an example how to implement it:
public abstract class DataProviderValueProvider : IValueProvider
public abstract IEnumerable<Type> KnownTypes { get; }
public string ProvideValue(object context)
string serialized = string.Empty;
IDataProvider dataProvider = context as IDataProvider;
if (dataProvider != null)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
DataProviderSettings settings = new DataProviderSettings()
Aggregates = dataProvider.Settings.AggregateDescriptions.OfType<object>().ToArray(),
Filters = dataProvider.Settings.FilterDescriptions.OfType<object>().ToArray(),
Rows = dataProvider.Settings.RowGroupDescriptions.OfType<object>().ToArray(),
Columns = dataProvider.Settings.ColumnGroupDescriptions.OfType<object>().ToArray(),
AggregatesLevel = dataProvider.Settings.AggregatesLevel,
AggregatesPosition = dataProvider.Settings.AggregatesPosition
DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(DataProviderSettings), KnownTypes);
serializer.WriteObject(stream, settings);
stream.Position = 0;
var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
serialized += streamReader.ReadToEnd();
return serialized;
public void RestoreValue(object context, string savedValue)
IDataProvider dataProvider = context as IDataProvider;
if (dataProvider != null)
var stream = new MemoryStream();
var tw = new StreamWriter(stream);
stream.Position = 0;
DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(DataProviderSettings), KnownTypes);
var result = serializer.ReadObject(stream);
foreach (var aggregateDescription in (result as DataProviderSettings).Aggregates)
foreach (var filterDescription in (result as DataProviderSettings).Filters)
foreach (var rowDescription in (result as DataProviderSettings).Rows)
foreach (var columnDescription in (result as DataProviderSettings).Columns)
dataProvider.Settings.AggregatesPosition = (result as DataProviderSettings).AggregatesPosition;
dataProvider.Settings.AggregatesLevel = (result as DataProviderSettings).AggregatesLevel;
public class LocalDataSourceValueProvider : DataProviderValueProvider
public override IEnumerable<Type> KnownTypes
return PivotSerializationHelper.KnownTypes;
Public MustInherit Class DataProviderValueProvider
Implements IValueProvider
Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property KnownTypes() As IEnumerable(Of Type)
Public Function ProvideValue(ByVal context As Object) As String
Dim serialized As String = String.Empty
Dim dataProvider As IDataProvider = TryCast(context, IDataProvider)
If dataProvider IsNot Nothing Then
Dim stream As New MemoryStream()
Dim settings As New DataProviderSettings() With {.Aggregates = dataProvider.Settings.AggregateDescriptions.OfType(Of Object)().ToArray(), .Filters = dataProvider.Settings.FilterDescriptions.OfType(Of Object)().ToArray(), .Rows = dataProvider.Settings.RowGroupDescriptions.OfType(Of Object)().ToArray(), .Columns = dataProvider.Settings.ColumnGroupDescriptions.OfType(Of Object)().ToArray(), .AggregatesLevel = dataProvider.Settings.AggregatesLevel, .AggregatesPosition = dataProvider.Settings.AggregatesPosition}
Dim serializer As New DataContractSerializer(GetType(DataProviderSettings), KnownTypes)
serializer.WriteObject(stream, settings)
stream.Position = 0
Dim streamReader = New StreamReader(stream)
serialized &= streamReader.ReadToEnd()
End If
Return serialized
End Function
Public Sub RestoreValue(ByVal context As Object, ByVal savedValue As String)
Dim dataProvider As IDataProvider = TryCast(context, IDataProvider)
If dataProvider IsNot Nothing Then
Dim stream = New MemoryStream()
Dim tw = New StreamWriter(stream)
stream.Position = 0
Dim serializer As New DataContractSerializer(GetType(DataProviderSettings), KnownTypes)
Dim result = serializer.ReadObject(stream)
For Each aggregateDescription In (TryCast(result, DataProviderSettings)).Aggregates
Next aggregateDescription
For Each filterDescription In (TryCast(result, DataProviderSettings)).Filters
Next filterDescription
For Each rowDescription In (TryCast(result, DataProviderSettings)).Rows
Next rowDescription
For Each columnDescription In (TryCast(result, DataProviderSettings)).Columns
Next columnDescription
dataProvider.Settings.AggregatesPosition = (TryCast(result, DataProviderSettings)).AggregatesPosition
dataProvider.Settings.AggregatesLevel = (TryCast(result, DataProviderSettings)).AggregatesLevel
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class LocalDataSourceValueProvider
Inherits DataProviderValueProvider
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property KnownTypes() As IEnumerable(Of Type)
Return PivotSerializationHelper.KnownTypes
End Get
End Property
End Class
So the last step is to register a persistence provider and implement the logic to save and load the state of LocalDataSourceProvider:
Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
ServiceProvider.RegisterPersistenceProvider<IValueProvider>(typeof(LocalDataSourceProvider), new LocalDataSourceValueProvider());
PersistenceManager manager = new PersistenceManager(); = manager.Save(this.pivotGrid.DataProvider);
//loading = 0;
PersistenceManager manager = new PersistenceManager();
Dim stream As Stream = New MemoryStream()
ServiceProvider.RegisterPersistenceProvider(Of IValueProvider)(GetType(LocalDataSourceProvider), New LocalDataSourceValueProvider())
Dim manager As New PersistenceManager() = manager.Save(Me.pivotGrid.DataProvider)
'loading = 0
Dim manager As New PersistenceManager()
Persist custom types
If you have implemented your own custom types, for example CustomGroupDescription, and you want to persist your data, you have to do the following:
Set the DataContract attribute on each of your custom classes.
Set the DataMember attribute on each of the properties that you want to serialize.
Add all custom classes to the KnownTypes collection.
So if you have implemented a custom group description, it should be similar to this:
public class CustomGroupDescription : PropertyGroupDescriptionBase
public string MyCustomProperty { get; set; }
protected override void CloneOverride(Cloneable source)
this.MyCustomProperty = (source as CustomGroupDescription).MyCustomProperty;
protected override Cloneable CreateInstanceCore()
return new CustomGroupDescription();
<DataContract> _
Public Class CustomGroupDescription
Inherits PropertyGroupDescriptionBase
<DataMember> _
Public Property MyCustomProperty() As String
Protected Overrides Sub CloneOverride(ByVal source As Cloneable)
Me.MyCustomProperty = (TryCast(source, CustomGroupDescription)).MyCustomProperty
End Sub
Protected Overrides Function CreateInstanceCore() As Cloneable
Return New CustomGroupDescription()
End Function
End Class
And here's the change in LocalDataSourceValueProvider class:
public class LocalDataSourceValueProvider : DataProviderValueProvider
private IEnumerable<Type> myKnownTypes = PivotSerializationHelper.KnownTypes.Concat<Type>(new List<Type>() { typeof(CustomGroupDescription) });
public override IEnumerable<Type> KnownTypes
return myKnownTypes;
Public Class LocalDataSourceValueProvider
Inherits DataProviderValueProvider
Private myKnownTypes As IEnumerable(Of Type) = PivotSerializationHelper.KnownTypes.Concat(New List(Of Type)() From {GetType(CustomGroupDescription)})
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property KnownTypes() As IEnumerable(Of Type)
Return myKnownTypes
End Get
End Property
End Class