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Map Shapes Virtualization

Purposes of Map Shapes Virtualization

Many applications operate with collections of the map shapes. The shapes can be retrieved from different sources like ESRI shape-file, KML file or Data Base which contains a geospatial data. Using large data source within the visualization layer can decrease the overall performance of the map control, especially the initial loading and the performance during zooming or panning.

The RadMap control uses standard WPF/Silverlight shapes to render all Map Shape objects. There are two things which affect the WPF/Silverlight rendering engine:

  1. The number of the objects visible in the viewport at the same time.

  2. Complexity of the shapes which should be rendered. For example this is a number of points for the polylines and polygons. The WPF/Silverlight rendering engine is very sensitive for the number of points it should render. The solution would be in simplifying the initial shape files (if it is applicable).

To improve the performance with large data sets, you can use the UI Virtualization feature.

Using Map Shapes Virtualization

In order to enable the UI Virtualization feature you should configure the ZoomLevelGridList and you should specify the VirtualizationSource property of the Visualization Layer. The ZoomLevelGridList property allows dividing the map to regions. And the VirtualizationSource property allows specifying your own custom class which handles the requests by configured regions and which returns the Map Shapes which will be displayed on the map. The custom class which can be used as the virtualization source must implement the IMapVirtualizationSource interface.

If you use the WPF version of RadMap to display Map Shapes, then you must disable the UseBitmapCache property for better performance.

More information about configuring the ZoomLevelGridList you can find in the Items Virtualization article.

The RadMap contains the MapShapeDataVirtualizationSource class which implements the IMapVirtualizationSource interface. This class can be used in most cases to enable the UI Virtualization feature for the data sources like ESRI shape-file, KML file or SQL geospatial data.

The MapShapeDataVirtualizationSource exposes the following properties:

  • BusyIndicator - a property of type RadBusyIndicator that gets or sets the busy indicator which changes its state to busy while loading data.

  • ClearCache - a property of type bool that gets or sets a value indicating whether internal cache should be cleaned before reading the new items.

  • Reader - a property of type AsyncReaderBase that gets or sets the reader for loading map shapes.

  • Resolution - a property of type double that gets or sets minimal pixel size of the object. If pixel size of the object is less than this value then object will not be passed to the visualization layer.

Also the MapShapeDataVirtualizationSource contains the following events:

  • PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted - occurs when the reader completes to read shapes.

  • ProgressChanged - occurs when part of data is read. It can be used for displaying the loading progress percentage.

  • ReadShapeDataCompleted - occurs when the reader completes to read shapes and pass them to target visualization layer.

Map Shapes Virtualization Example

The following example demonstrates how to use the UI Virtualization feature for displaying the counties of USA. The example will display the polygons which are contained in the “County” shape-file. You can find it in our Async Shape File demo application. The file contains over 6000 polygons which contain about 800000 points.

When you will try to load this file using the shape-file reader directly like the code below then the performance of zooming and panning will be very low.

<telerik:VisualizationLayer x:Name="visualizationLayer" UseBitmapCache="False"> 
        <telerik:AsyncShapeFileReader Source="/ShapeVirtualization;component/Resources/County.shp" /> 

Such performance is a reason to use the Map Shapes Virtualization to improve the performance of rendering.

If it is acceptable for your application just to restrict the zoom level, then it is possible to use built-in MapShapeDataVirtualizationSource. First you need to configure the ZoomLevelGridList property. It can be configured to show counties from the zoom level 8 when the rendering is quite fast. It could be done with the following XAML code:

<UserControl x:Class="ShapeVirtualization.MainPage" 
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> 
        <telerik:RadBusyIndicator x:Name="busyIndicator"> 
            <telerik:RadMap x:Name="radMap" 
                    <telerik:OpenStreetMapProvider /> 
                <telerik:VisualizationLayer x:Name="visualizationLayer"> 
                        <telerik:ZoomLevelGrid MinZoom="8" /> 
                        <telerik:ZoomLevelGrid MinZoom="9" /> 
                        <telerik:ZoomLevelGrid MinZoom="10" /> 
                        <telerik:MapShapeDataVirtualizationSource x:Name="mapShapeDataVirtualizationSource"> 
                                <telerik:AsyncShapeFileReader Source="/ShapeVirtualization;component/Resources/County.shp" ToolTipFormat="{}{COUNTY} ({STATE})" /> 

To start loading the shape-file you should invoke the MapShapeDataVirtualizationSource.ReadAsync method:

using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Controls; 
namespace ShapeVirtualization 
    public partial class MainPage : UserControl 
        public MainPage() 
            this.Loaded += MainPage_Loaded; 
        private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
            this.mapShapeDataVirtualizationSource.BusyIndicator = this.busyIndicator; 
Partial Public Class MainPage 
    Inherits UserControl 
    Public Sub New() 
        AddHandler Me.Loaded, AddressOf MainPage_Loaded 
    End Sub 
    Private Sub MainPage_Loaded(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) 
        Me.mapShapeDataVirtualizationSource.BusyIndicator = Me.busyIndicator 
    End Sub 
End Class 

If your application cannot limit zoom level and it requires that some data still be visible on the low zoom levels (1 – 7) then you can use approach which show different sets of shapes for different zoom levels. For example, you can show the map of USA states for lower zoom levels (1-7). In this case you should design your own custom virtualization source class which will show data depend on the zoom level. The sample code below uses the “usa_states” shape-file which is also used in the United States demo.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using Telerik.Windows.Controls.Map; 
namespace ShapeVirtualization 
    public class ShapeDataVirtualizer : IMapItemsVirtualizationSource 
        private List<ExtendedDataProvider> sateData; 
        private List<ExtendedDataProvider> countyData; 
        private bool firstRequest = true; 
        private WeakReference layer = null; 
        public ShapeDataVirtualizer() 
        /// <summary> 
        /// Gets or sets the layer this virtualization source belongs to. 
        /// </summary> 
        private VisualizationLayer Layer 
                if (this.layer != null 
                    && this.layer.IsAlive) 
                    return this.layer.Target as VisualizationLayer; 
                    return null; 
                this.layer = value != null ? new WeakReference(value) : null; 
        public void MapItemsRequest(object sender, MapItemsRequestEventArgs e) 
            if (this.firstRequest) 
                this.Layer = e.Layer; 
                this.firstRequest = false; 
        private void QueryItems(MapItemsRequestEventArgs e) 
            List<ExtendedDataProvider> shapes = null; 
            if (this.sateData != null && this.countyData != null) 
                IEnumerable<ExtendedDataProvider> query; 
                if (e.MinZoom < 8) 
                    // Sate zoom level  
                    query = from ExtendedDataProvider item in this.sateData 
                            where this.ShouldBeAdded(e.Region, item) 
                            select item; 
                    // County zoom level 
                    query = from ExtendedDataProvider item in this.countyData 
                            where this.ShouldBeAdded(e.Region, item) 
                            select item; 
                shapes = query.ToList(); 
        private bool ShouldBeAdded(LocationRect rect, ExtendedDataProvider item) 
            MapShapeData shape = item as MapShapeData; 
            if (shape != null) 
                return rect.Intersect(shape.GeoBounds); 
            return rect.Contains(item.Location); 
        private void StartRead() 
            AsyncShapeFileReader stateReader = new AsyncShapeFileReader() 
                Source = new Uri("/ShapeVirtualization;component/Resources/usa_states.shp", UriKind.Relative), 
                ToolTipFormat = "STATE_NAME" 
            stateReader.PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted += this.State_PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted; 
            AsyncShapeFileReader cuntyReader = new AsyncShapeFileReader() 
                Source = new Uri("/ShapeVirtualization;component/Resources/County.shp", UriKind.Relative), 
                ToolTipFormat = "{COUNTY} ({STATE})" 
            cuntyReader.PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted += this.County_PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted; 
        private void State_PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted(object sender, PreviewReadShapeDataCompletedEventArgs e) 
            this.sateData = e.Items; 
        private void County_PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted(object sender, PreviewReadShapeDataCompletedEventArgs e) 
            this.countyData = e.Items; 
        private void RefreshVisualizationLayer() 
            if (this.Layer != null) 
Public Class ShapeDataVirtualizer 
    Implements IMapItemsVirtualizationSource 
    Private sateData As List(Of ExtendedDataProvider) 
    Private countyData As List(Of ExtendedDataProvider) 
    Private firstRequest As Boolean = True 
    Private m_layer As WeakReference = Nothing 
    Public Sub New() 
    End Sub 
    Private Property Layer() As VisualizationLayer 
            If Me.m_layer IsNot Nothing AndAlso Me.m_layer.IsAlive Then 
                Return TryCast(Me.m_layer.Target, VisualizationLayer) 
                Return Nothing 
            End If 
        End Get 
        Set(value As VisualizationLayer) 
            Me.m_layer = If(value IsNot Nothing, New WeakReference(value), Nothing) 
        End Set 
    End Property 
    Public Sub MapItemsRequest(sender As Object, e As MapItemsRequestEventArgs) 
        If Me.firstRequest Then 
            Me.Layer = e.Layer 
            Me.firstRequest = False 
        End If 
    End Sub 
    Private Sub QueryItems(e As MapItemsRequestEventArgs) 
        Dim shapes As List(Of ExtendedDataProvider) = Nothing 
        If Me.sateData IsNot Nothing AndAlso Me.countyData IsNot Nothing Then 
            Dim query As IEnumerable(Of ExtendedDataProvider) 
            If e.MinZoom < 8 Then 
                ' Sate zoom level ' 
            query = From item In Me.sateData Where Me.ShouldBeAdded(e.Region, item)item 
                ' County zoom level' 
            query = From item In Me.countyData Where Me.ShouldBeAdded(e.Region, item)item 
            End If 
            shapes = query.ToList() 
        End If 
    End Sub 
    Private Function ShouldBeAdded(rect As LocationRect, item As ExtendedDataProvider) As Boolean 
        Dim shape As MapShapeData = TryCast(item, MapShapeData) 
        If shape IsNot Nothing Then 
            Return rect.Intersect(shape.GeoBounds) 
        End If 
        Return rect.Contains(item.Location) 
    End Function 
    Private Sub StartRead() 
    Dim stateReader As New AsyncShapeFileReader() With { _ 
        Key .Source = New Uri("/ShapeVirtualization;component/Resources/usa_states.shp", UriKind.Relative), _ 
        Key .ToolTipFormat = "STATE_NAME" _ 
        AddHandler stateReader.PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted, AddressOf Me.State_PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted 
    Dim cuntyReader As New AsyncShapeFileReader() With { _ 
        Key .Source = New Uri("/ShapeVirtualization;component/Resources/County.shp", UriKind.Relative), _ 
        Key .ToolTipFormat = "{COUNTY} ({STATE})" _ 
        AddHandler cuntyReader.PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted, AddressOf Me.County_PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted 
    End Sub 
    Private Sub State_PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted(sender As Object, e As PreviewReadShapeDataCompletedEventArgs) 
        Me.sateData = e.Items 
    End Sub 
    Private Sub County_PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted(sender As Object, e As PreviewReadShapeDataCompletedEventArgs) 
        Me.countyData = e.Items 
    End Sub 
    Private Sub RefreshVisualizationLayer() 
        If Me.Layer IsNot Nothing Then 
        End If 
    End Sub 
End Class 

The sample code of the custom virtualization source class is below.

This class can be used in the XAML code like the following way:

<UserControl x:Class="ShapeVirtualization.MainPage" 
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> 
            <local:ShapeDataVirtualizer x:Key="VirtualizationSource" /> 
        <telerik:RadBusyIndicator x:Name="busyIndicator"> 
            <telerik:RadMap x:Name="radMap" 
                    <telerik:OpenStreetMapProvider /> 
                <telerik:VisualizationLayer x:Name="visualizationLayer" VirtualizationSource="{StaticResource VirtualizationSource}"> 
                        <telerik:ZoomLevelGrid MinZoom="1" /> 
                        <telerik:ZoomLevelGrid MinZoom="2" /> 
                        <telerik:ZoomLevelGrid MinZoom="3" /> 
                        <telerik:ZoomLevelGrid MinZoom="4" /> 
                        <telerik:ZoomLevelGrid MinZoom="5" /> 
                        <telerik:ZoomLevelGrid MinZoom="6" /> 
                        <telerik:ZoomLevelGrid MinZoom="7" /> 
                        <telerik:ZoomLevelGrid MinZoom="8" /> 
                        <telerik:ZoomLevelGrid MinZoom="9" /> 
                        <telerik:ZoomLevelGrid MinZoom="10" /> 

In the snapshots below you can see how the above example will be displayed with different ZoomLevel settings.

The result at ZoomLevel 7: radmap-visualization-layer-shapes-virtualization 1

The result at ZoomLevel 8: radmap-visualization-layer-shapes-virtualization 2