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Using custom connectors in MVVM

This tutorial will guide you through the task of populating RadDiagramShape with custom connectors in MVVM scenario.

To populate the RadDiagramShape with custom connectors in MVVM scenario you can create an attached property. Then bind the value of this property to a collection from your view model. In the property changed callback of the attached property you have access to the shape and its Connectors collection. Using this you can add new connectors to the collection.

To implement this scenario you can create a collection which holds the custom connectors in your view model.

Example 1: Creating collection with custom connectors

public class ConnectorProxy 
    public string Name { get; set; } 
    public System.Windows.Point Position { get; set; } 
public class Node : NodeViewModelBase 
    private ObservableCollection<ConnectorProxy> myConnectors = new ObservableCollection<ConnectorProxy>(); 
    public Node() 
        //Add connectors. 
        this.MyConnectors.Add(new ConnectorProxy() { Name = "FirstConnector", Position = new Point(0, 0.3) }); 
        this.MyConnectors.Add(new ConnectorProxy() { Name = "SecondConnector", Position = new Point(1, 0.3) }); 
        this.MyConnectors.Add(new ConnectorProxy() { Name = "ThirdConnector", Position = new Point(0.5, 0.8) }); 
    public ObservableCollection<ConnectorProxy> MyConnectors 
            return this.myConnectors; 
public class Link : LinkViewModelBase<NodeViewModelBase> 
public  class MyGraphSource : ObservableGraphSourceBase<Node, Link> 
    public MyGraphSource() 
        Node shape1 = new Node() {Content = "Shape1", Position=new Point(80,120) }; 

The next step is to create the attached property.

Example 2: Creating attached property

public static class AttachedProperties 
    public static IEnumerable<ConnectorProxy> GetConnectors(DependencyObject obj) 
        return (IEnumerable<ConnectorProxy>)obj.GetValue(ConnectorsProperty); 
    public static void SetConnectors(DependencyObject obj, IEnumerable<ConnectorProxy> value) 
        obj.SetValue(ConnectorsProperty, value); 
    public static readonly DependencyProperty ConnectorsProperty = 
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Connectors", typeof(IEnumerable<ConnectorProxy>), typeof(AttachedProperties), new PropertyMetadata(null, OnConnectorsChanged)); 
    private static void OnConnectorsChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
        var shape = d as RadDiagramShape; 
        // You can also check if the collection is INotifyCollectionChanged if you want to change the connectors runtime. 
        // var connectors = e.NewValue as INotifyCollectionChanged 
        var connectors = e.NewValue as ObservableCollection<ConnectorProxy>; 
        if (shape != null && connectors != null) 
            foreach (var item in connectors) 
                //Note: the item.Name should be a valid x:Name 
                shape.Connectors.Add(new RadDiagramConnector() { Name = item.Name, Offset = item.Position }); 

Finally, you can create an implicit style and bind the attached property to the custom collection and define a RadDiagram control in the view.

Example 3: Setting the attached property in XAML

    <local:MyGraphSource x:Key="Source"/> 
    <DataTemplate x:Key="contentTemplate"> 
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Content}" /> 
    <Style TargetType="telerik:RadDiagramShape"> 
        <Setter Property="Position" Value="{Binding Position, Mode=TwoWay}" /> 
        <Setter Property="common:AttachedProperties.Connectors" Value="{Binding MyConnectors}" /> 
    <telerik:RadDiagram GraphSource="{StaticResource Source}" 
                            ShapeTemplate="{StaticResource contentTemplate}"  
                            ConnectionTemplate="{StaticResource contentTemplate}">           

Figure 1: Custom connectors in RadDiagramShape

Custom Connectos

See Also

In this article