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Use Custom 3D Models

RadChart allows easy customization of the 3D models used in 3D series types thanks to its innovative extensible architecture. This is especially useful for customization of the 3D Bar series type i.e. substituting the bar models with bar-like figures that can be scaled vertically without visual distortion (e.g. star model).

Basically there are three steps involved in the utilization of a custom 3D model with RadChart:

  1. Creating the actual 3D model in a 3D modeling application like 3D Studio Max.

  2. Exporting the 3D model (3ds file) to xaml via 3ds-to-xaml converter e.g. the Reader3ds library available here.

  3. Substituting the default 3D Bar model used by RadChart with the exported 3D custom model (xaml). Note that for best results, the Xaml model should be centered around the origin of the coordinate system.

Here is a sample xaml export obtained by processing a custom 3D star model (produced by step 1.) with the Reader3ds library (step 2.):

WPF RadChart

        <MaterialGroup x:Key="StarFace"> 
            <DiffuseMaterial Brush="#55555555"/> 
            <SpecularMaterial Brush="#FFFFFFFF"/> 
        <MaterialGroup x:Key="StarSide"> 
            <DiffuseMaterial Brush="GreenYellow"/> 
            <SpecularMaterial Brush="#FFFFFFFF" Color="#7FFFDD00"/> 
        <PerspectiveCamera Position="5,5,5" LookDirection="-1,-1,-1" /> 
        <ModelVisual3D x:Name="Light"> 
                <AmbientLight Color="GreenYellow"/> 
                    <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarFace}"> 
                        Positions="-9.995,0,2.351 -3.085,0,3.406 0.005,0,9.99 3.095,0,3.406 10.005,0,2.351 5.005,0,-2.773 6.186,0,-10.01 0.005,0,-6.594 -6.176,0,-10.01 -4.996,0,-2.773" 
                        TriangleIndices="0,9,1 1,3,2 3,5,4 5,7,6 7,9,8 1,9,3 3,9,5 5,9,7"/> 
                    <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarFace}"> 
                        Positions="-9.995,3,2.351 -3.085,3,3.406 0.005,3,9.99 3.095,3,3.406 10.005,3,2.351 5.005,3,-2.773 6.186,3,-10.01 0.005,3,-6.594 -6.176,3,-10.01 -4.996,3,-2.773" 
                        TriangleIndices="0,1,9 1,2,3 3,4,5 5,6,7 7,8,9 1,3,9 3,5,9 5,7,9"/> 
                    <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
                        Positions="-9.995,0,2.351 -4.996,0,-2.773 -9.995,3,2.351 -4.996,3,-2.773" 
                        TriangleIndices="0,3,1 0,2,3"/> 
                    <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
                        Positions="-9.995,0,2.351 -3.085,0,3.406 -9.995,3,2.351 -3.085,3,3.406" 
                        TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
                    <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
                        Positions="-3.085,0,3.406 0.005,0,9.99 -3.085,3,3.406 0.005,3,9.99" 
                        TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
                    <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
                        Positions="0.005,0,9.99 3.095,0,3.406 0.005,3,9.99 3.095,3,3.406" 
                        TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
                    <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
                        Positions="3.095,0,3.406 10.005,0,2.351 3.095,3,3.406 10.005,3,2.351" 
                        TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
                    <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
                        Positions="10.005,0,2.351 5.005,0,-2.773 10.005,3,2.351 5.005,3,-2.773" 
                        TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
                    <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
                        Positions="5.005,0,-2.773 6.186,0,-10.01 5.005,3,-2.773 6.186,3,-10.01" 
                        TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
                    <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
                            <MeshGeometry3D Positions="6.186,0,-10.01 0.005,0,-6.594 6.186,3,-10.01 0.005,3,-6.594" TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
                    <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
                        Positions="0.005,0,-6.594 -6.176,0,-10.01 0.005,3,-6.594 -6.176,3,-10.01" 
                        TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
                    <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
                        Positions="-6.176,0,-10.01 -4.996,0,-2.773 -6.176,3,-10.01 -4.996,3,-2.773" 
                        TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
                        <ScaleTransform3D ScaleX="0.3" ScaleY="0.3" ScaleZ="0.3" /> 

Take a look at step 3 - the actual incorporation of the custom 3D model in the chart control. First, you need some background on how the RadChart control works when visualizing the 3D BarSeries type.

RadChart uses innovative approach to incorporate custom 3D controls and item controls (WPF does not implement such controls out-of-the box). In effect the 3D BarSeries (3D ItemsControl) renders a number of 3D bar-like control primitives (3D controls). What you need to do in order to customize the appearance of the individual 3D controls is to set the Bar3DSeriesDefinition.ItemStyle property to a custom Style that defines the desired star model. You can do this by creating the actual series definition itself:

Note that by setting the ItemStyle property, you are overriding the default appearance for all 3D controls within the series and they will not use the default style applied otherwise to 3D Bar controls.

private void FillSampleChartData() 
    DataSeries barSeries = new DataSeries(); 
    barSeries.Definition = new Bar3DSeriesDefinition(); 
    barSeries.Definition.ItemStyle = (Style)this.FindResource("MyStyle");             
Private Sub FillSampleChartData() 
    Dim barSeries As New DataSeries() 
    barSeries.Definition = New Bar3DSeriesDefinition() 
    barSeries.Definition.ItemStyle = DirectCast(Me.FindResource("MyStyle"), Style) 
End Sub 

Now you have to create the actual style resource labeled "MyStyle" and in order to do so the exported star model Xaml will be used.

In effect the control template for the Bar3D class is customized. Note that when customizing the template for a 3D control there are some required elements / element names that should be present or otherwise the control will not work correctly:

<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type telerik:BarControl3D}"> 
<!-- ... --> 
<Grid x:Name="PART_Container" /> 
<Viewport3D x:Name="PART_Viewport" ... > 
        <ContainerUIElement3D x:Name="PART_ModelElement"> 
                    <!-- star model goes here --> 

Here is the actual template that follows this pattern:

<Style x:Key="MyStyle" TargetType="{x:Type telerik:BarControl3D}"> 
  <Setter Property="Template"> 
    <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type telerik:BarControl3D}"> 
                        <MaterialGroup x:Key="StarFace"> 
                            <DiffuseMaterial Brush="#FFFFFFFF"/> 
                            <SpecularMaterial Brush="#FFFFFFFF"/> 
                        <MaterialGroup x:Key="StarSide"> 
                            <DiffuseMaterial Brush="GreenYellow"/> 
                            <SpecularMaterial Brush="#FFFFFFFF" Color="#7FFFDD00"/> 
                        <MaterialGroup x:Key="BarMaterial"> 
                            <DiffuseMaterial Brush="Red" /> 
      <Grid x:Name="PART_Container" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"></Grid> 
      <Viewport3D x:Name="PART_Viewport" Width="2000" Height="1000" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"> 
        <ContainerUIElement3D x:Name="PART_ModelElement"> 
             <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarFace}"> 
               <MeshGeometry3D Positions="-9.995,0,2.351 -3.085,0,3.406 0.005,0,9.99 3.095,0,3.406 10.005,0,2.351 5.005,0,-2.773 6.186,0,-10.01 0.005,0,-6.594 -6.176,0,-10.01 -4.996,0,-2.773" TriangleIndices="0,9,1 1,3,2 3,5,4 5,7,6 7,9,8 1,9,3 3,9,5 5,9,7"/> 
             <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarFace}"> 
               <MeshGeometry3D Positions="-9.995,3,2.351 -3.085,3,3.406 0.005,3,9.99 3.095,3,3.406 10.005,3,2.351 5.005,3,-2.773 6.186,3,-10.01 0.005,3,-6.594 -6.176,3,-10.01 -4.996,3,-2.773" TriangleIndices="0,1,9 1,2,3 3,4,5 5,6,7 7,8,9 1,3,9 3,5,9 5,7,9"/> 
             <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
               <MeshGeometry3D Positions="-9.995,0,2.351 -4.996,0,-2.773 -9.995,3,2.351 -4.996,3,-2.773" TriangleIndices="0,3,1 0,2,3"/> 
             <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
               <MeshGeometry3D Positions="-9.995,0,2.351 -3.085,0,3.406 -9.995,3,2.351 -3.085,3,3.406" TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
             <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
               <MeshGeometry3D Positions="-3.085,0,3.406 0.005,0,9.99 -3.085,3,3.406 0.005,3,9.99" TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
             <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
               <MeshGeometry3D Positions="0.005,0,9.99 3.095,0,3.406 0.005,3,9.99 3.095,3,3.406" TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
             <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
               <MeshGeometry3D Positions="3.095,0,3.406 10.005,0,2.351 3.095,3,3.406 10.005,3,2.351" TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
             <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
               <MeshGeometry3D Positions="10.005,0,2.351 5.005,0,-2.773 10.005,3,2.351 5.005,3,-2.773" TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
             <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
               <MeshGeometry3D Positions="5.005,0,-2.773 6.186,0,-10.01 5.005,3,-2.773 6.186,3,-10.01" TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
             <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
               <MeshGeometry3D Positions="6.186,0,-10.01 0.005,0,-6.594 6.186,3,-10.01 0.005,3,-6.594" TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
             <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
               <MeshGeometry3D Positions="0.005,0,-6.594 -6.176,0,-10.01 0.005,3,-6.594 -6.176,3,-10.01" TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
             <GeometryModel3D Material="{StaticResource StarSide}"> 
               <MeshGeometry3D Positions="-6.176,0,-10.01 -4.996,0,-2.773 -6.176,3,-10.01 -4.996,3,-2.773" TriangleIndices="0,1,3 0,3,2"/> 
               <ScaleTransform3D ScaleX="0.35" ScaleY="0.3" ScaleZ="0.35" /> 
               <ScaleTransform3D ScaleX="1" ScaleY="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type telerik:Bar3D}}, Path=Height}" ScaleZ="1" /> 
               <TranslateTransform3D OffsetX="3" OffsetY="0" OffsetZ="5" /> 

Note that in order to display the stars with correct height (like the default 3D Bars), a ScaleTransform3D has been applied that binds the ScaleY property like this:

ScaleY="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type telerik:Bar3D}}, Path=Height}" 

Here is the resultant 3D bar series that uses the custom 3D star model instead of the default 3D bar model: WPF RadChart

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