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Google Analytics Integration

This article shows how to use the Telerik Analytics API to implement a custom Google Analytics provider and send information to it.

Setting up Google Analytics Dashboard

This information is relevant at the time of writing of this article (July 2023) and it may not be up-to-date at the moment you read the article.

  1. Create a new Google Analytics 4 Property in your account.

  2. Go to the Admin menu and create a new web data stream. It can point to a dummy website address.

  3. Open the data stream details and copy its MEASUREMENT ID.

  4. Create a Measurement Protocol API secret and copy the secret value.

  5. In order to test the data you send, disable the Internal Traffic filter from the following menu, Admin —> Data Settings —> Data Filters. Also, event sending can be tested with the Google Analytics Event Builder.

The Measurement Id and API secret copied in setps 3 and 4 will be used in the .NET API shown in the Implementing the Analytics Provider section of this article.

Setting up the Project

To send information to the Google Analytics dashboard manually, use the Measurement Protocol (Google Analytics 4) API provided by Google. The API allows you to send http requests with the required event information. The following example uses the GoogleAnalytics.Ga4-Dotnet.Sdk unofficial GA4 SDK to send information to the dashboard.

The GoogleAnalytics.Ga4.DotNet.Sdk is build against .NET 6, which means the example in this article is relevant to projects targeting .NET 6 and later.

  1. Download the source code of the GoogleAnalytics.Ga4-Dotnet.Sdk.

  2. Open the solution and build the GoogleAnalytics.Ga4.DotNet.Sdk project. This will produce the GoogleAnalytics.Ga4.DotNet.Sdk.dll.

  3. Create a new WPF project (or use an existing one). Then reference GoogleAnalytics.Ga4.DotNet.Sdk.dll.

  4. Add a reference to Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll.

  5. Install the Microsoft.Extensions.Http nuget package.

Implementing the Analytics Provider

To implement analytics provider that sends data to the Google dashboard, create a trace monitor class that implements the ITraceMonitor interface. To apply the new monitor use the TrackerManager class.

The following example demonstrates a simple implementation of the ITraceMonitor interface that uses the MeasurementService class from the GoogleAnalytics.Ga4-Dotnet.Sdk project to send events to the Google Analytics 4 property.

IHttpClientFactory implementation needed by the MeasurementService

public class HttpClientFactory : IHttpClientFactory 
    private readonly string _baseAddress = ""; 
    public HttpClient CreateClient(string name) 
        return new HttpClient() 
            BaseAddress = new Uri(_baseAddress), 
            DefaultRequestHeaders = 
                { "Accept", "application/json" }, 
                { "User-Agent", "My Project Name" } 

ITraceMonitor implementation

public class GoogleAnalyticsMonitor : ITraceMonitor 
    private MeasurementService service; 
    private string uniqueClienId; 
    public GoogleAnalyticsMonitor(string measurementId, string appSecret) 
        var options = Options.Create(new GoogleAnalyticsClientSettings() 
            MeasurementId = measurementId, 
            AppSecret = appSecret 
        var client = new BasicHttpClient(new HttpClientFactory(), options); 
        service = new MeasurementService(client); 
        uniqueClienId = "UniqueClientIdHere"; 
    public async void TrackAtomicFeature(string feature) 
        // "atomic_feature" is a custom event name that will be send to Google Analytics 
        // "tracked_atomic_feature" is a custom parameter name that will be send to Google Anlaytics 
        var gaEvent = EventBuilders.BuildCustomEvent("atomic_feature", new Dictionary<string, object>()); 
        gaEvent.AddParameters("tracked_atomic_feature", feature); 
        var request = new EventRequest(uniqueClienId); 
        EventResponse result = await service.CreateEventRequest(request).Execute(false);             
    public async void TrackError(string feature, Exception exception) 
        var gaEvent = EventBuilders.BuildCustomEvent("exception", new Dictionary<string, object>()); 
        gaEvent.AddParameters("tracked_exception", exception.Message); 
        var request = new EventRequest(uniqueClienId); 
        EventResponse result = await service.CreateEventRequest(request).Execute(false); 
    public async void TrackFeatureCancel(string feature) 
        var gaEvent = EventBuilders.BuildCustomEvent("feature_cancel", new Dictionary<string, object>()); 
        gaEvent.AddParameters("tracked_feature_cancel", feature); 
        var request = new EventRequest(uniqueClienId); 
        EventResponse result = await service.CreateEventRequest(request).Execute(false); 
    public async void TrackFeatureEnd(string feature) 
        var gaEvent = EventBuilders.BuildCustomEvent("feature_end", new Dictionary<string, object>()); 
        gaEvent.AddParameters("tracked_feature_end", feature); 
        var request = new EventRequest(uniqueClienId); 
        EventResponse result = await service.CreateEventRequest(request).Execute(false); 
    public async void TrackFeatureStart(string feature) 
        var gaEvent = EventBuilders.BuildCustomEvent("feature_start", new Dictionary<string, object>()); 
        gaEvent.AddParameters("tracked_feature_start", feature); 
        var request = new EventRequest(uniqueClienId); 
        EventResponse result = await service.CreateEventRequest(request).Execute(false); 
    public async void TrackValue(string feature, long value) 
        var gaEvent = EventBuilders.BuildCustomEvent("value_event", new Dictionary<string, object>()); 
        gaEvent.AddParameters("tracked_value", feature); 
        var request = new EventRequest(uniqueClienId); 
        EventResponse result = await service.CreateEventRequest(request).Execute(false); 
To apply the custom monitor, set the static TraceMonitor.AnalyticsMonitor property, possibly in the constructor of your application.

Set the TraceMonitor.AnalyticsMonitor

public App() 
    TraceMonitor.AnalyticsMonitor = new GoogleAnalyticsMonitor("MeasurementId", "AppSecret"); 

Read in details how to setup the Google Analytics dashboards in its documentation.

See Also

In this article