
Represents a MapBehavior implementation that allows map shapes from different MapShapeLayer instances to be selected. The MapShapeSelectionBehavior exposes the following properties:

The MapShapeSelectionBehavior class inherits from the MapBehavior class - See the inherited properties.

  • SelectedShapes (IEnumerable): Gets the currently selected IMapShape instances.
  • SelectedShape (IMapShape): Gets or sets the currently selected IMapShape instance. When multiple selection is enabled, this value is set to the first selected shape.
  • SelectionMode (MapShapeSelectionMode): Gets or sets a value that defines how the user input affects the current selection. Here are the available values:
  • None: No selection is allowed.
  • Single: Single-shape selection is allowed. A shape is selected when tapped and deselected if tapped again. If a new shape is tapped, the previously selected shape is deselected.
  • MultiSimple: Multiple-shape selection is allowed. A shape is selected when tapped and deselected if tapped again.
  • MultiExtended: Multiple-shape selection is allowed. Multiple shapes may be selected only if the Control modifier key is pressed.

Here is an example that demonstrates how to add a MapShapeSelectionBehavior to the RadMap control.

        <telerikMap:MapShapeSelectionBehavior SelectionMode="MultiSimple"/>

See Also

In this article