The RadPictureRotatorHubTile displays a set of pictures showing them one at a time over a time interval.
Here's a list of the RadPictureRotatorHubTile properties:
- PicturesSource (IEnumerable): Gets or sets the source that contains the pictures to display on a RadPictureRotator HubTile. Pictures are randomly chosen from this collection of image URIs when an image needs to be displayed.
PictureSourceProvider (IImageSourceProvider): Gets or sets the implementation that is used to provide a custom image source resolution routine.
PicturesSource Example
The following example shows how to use the PicturesSource property with five pictures from an "Images" folder in the project:
<telerik:RadPictureRotatorHubTile x:Name="MyHubTile" PicturesSource="{Binding}"/>
Code behind:
private const string AbsolutePath = "ms-appx:///Images/";
public MainPage()
List<BitmapImage> pictures = new List<BitmapImage>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
pictures.Add(new BitmapImage(new Uri(AbsolutePath + "MyPicture" + i + ".png", UriKind.Absolute)));
MyHubTile.PicturesSource = pictures;
PictureSourceProvider Example
The following example shows how to use the PictureSourceProvider property where we have added our pictures in the "Images" folder in the project:
- Implement a ViewModel class where we will keep the picture names:
Implement the MyPictureProvider class which inherits from the IImageSourceProvider interface to get the image URIs:
public class MyPictureProvider : IImageSourceProvider { public ImageSource GetImageSource(object parameter) { return new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Images/" + (parameter as ViewModel).ImagePath, UriKind.Absolute)); } }
Put the pictures in a list:
List<ViewModel> pictures = new List<ViewModel>() { new ViewModel{ImagePath="MyPicture1.png"}, new ViewModel{ImagePath="MyPicture2.png"}, new ViewModel{ImagePath="MyPicture3.png"}, new ViewModel{ImagePath="MyPicture4.png"}, new ViewModel{ImagePath="MyPicture5.png"} }; this.MyHubTile.DataContext = pictures;
Consume the collection of image URIs:
<telerik:RadPictureRotatorHubTile x:Name="MyHubTile" PicturesSource="{Binding}" > <telerik:RadPictureRotatorHubTile.PictureSourceProvider> <local:MyPictureProvider /> </telerik:RadPictureRotatorHubTile.PictureSourceProvider> </telerik:RadPictureRotatorHubTile>