Controls / Hubtile / Hubtiles
Title (object): Gets or sets the Title which is displayed in the bottom-left corner of the control.
TitleTemplate (DataTemplate): Gets or sets the DataTemplate that is used to visualize the Title property.
Command (ICommand): Gets or sets a command that will be executed when the hub tile is tapped.
CommandParameter (object): Gets or sets the command parameter that will be passed to the command assigned to the Command property.
IsFrozen (bool): Gets or sets the IsFrozen property. Freezing a RadHubTile means that it will cease to periodically update itself, for example when it is off screen.
UpdateInterval (TimeSpan): Gets or sets the UpdateInterval where "0:0:1" is 1 second. This interval determines how often the tile will update its visual states when it is not frozen.
BackContent (object): Gets or sets the back content of the tile. When the back content is set, the tile flips with a swivel animation to its back side and periodically flips between its back and front states.
BackContentTemplate (DataTemplate): Gets or sets the DataTemplate that is used to visualize the BackContent property.