Wizard Pages

In order to add pages to RadWizard, you have to use its WizardPages collection. It consists of the following page types:

  • WizardPage: Represents a wizard's page and by default it will have the “Previous”, ”Next” and “Cancel” buttons visible. This behavior can be controlled through the ButtonsVisibilityMode enumeration.
  • WelcomeWizardPage: Represents a welcome page. It derives directly from WizardPage and the only difference is that it will have the “Next” and “Cancel” buttons visible by default.
  • CompletionWizardPage: Represents a completion page. It derives directly from WizardPage and the only difference is that it will have the “Previous”, “Cancel” and “Finish” buttons visible by default.

For each wizard page you are able to define a header, title, side header and change the default footer by setting the following properties:

  • Header : Enables you to define anything as a header.
  • Title : Provides you a way to define a title for the page.
  • SideHeader : Enables you to define anything as a side header on the left side of the page.
  • Content : Contains the page content (WizardPage derives directly from ContentControl).

Despite that the WizardPage is a ContentControl it will propagate its DataContext to its child containers including the elements defined as a Content. Thus, the source of the binding has to be explicitly set if needed.

Setting HeaderTemplate, SideHeaderTemplate and FooterTemplate

All these properties can be used to get or set the data template, respectfully, for the header, side header and footer. So, if you want to change those default elements for a particular wizard page, you may define them as in Example 1.

Example 1: Setting the HeaderTemplate, SideHeaderTemplate__ and __FooterTemplate properties in XAML

<telerik:RadWizard x:Name="radWizard" > 
        <telerik:WizardPage Content="My Wizard Page Content" SideHeaderWidth="100" HeaderHeight="100">                   
                    <Image Source="Images/BrandMark_Telerik_Black.png" Width="200" Height="100" /> 
                    <TextBlock Text="My Side Header" /> 
                    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> 
                        <telerik:RadButton Content="Back"  
                                               Width="70" Height="25" 
                                               CommandParameter="{Binding}" /> 
                        <telerik:RadButton Content="Next" Width="70" Height="25" 
                                               CommandParameter="{Binding}" /> 

In order to use the built-in commands, you should define the following namespace: xmlns:wizard="clr-namespace:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Wizard;assembly=Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation"

Figure 1: The wizard page defined in Example 1 will be displayed as follows:

Pages SettingTemplates

See also

In this article