
RadRichTextBox allows you to export and import its content. This is useful in case you want to save the user's input into a data base and then load it from there, or if you want to save/load the content of RadRichTextBox to/from a file. To import and export you have to use a specific class that implements the IDocumentFormatProvider. You can find built-in classes, that implement this interface, for each of the supported formats. Currently RadRichTextBox can export and import the following formats:

Each FormatProvider class is located in a separate assembly matching its name. For example, the XamlFormatProvider class is in the Telerik.Windows.Documents.FormatProviders.Xaml.dll assembly. The only exception is the TxtFormatProvider, which is included in Telerik.Windows.Documents.


RadRichTextBox's format providers can import/export a wide variety of features supported by the control. However, features which are not yet supported are stripped on import. Such examples are content controls like text boxes, check boxes, etc. which can be inserted in the document in some rich text editors such as Microsoft Word or can be included in the HTML.

See Also

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