Hiding the Row Indicator

By default the first cell of a row represents the row indicator area. The indicator appears when the row is set as current.

Telerik Silverlight DataGrid CustomizingRows 1

The row indicator visibility is controlled with the RowIndicatorVisibility property of RadGridView.

Example 1: Hiding the row indicator

<telerik:RadGridView RowIndicatorVisibility="Collapsed" /> 
Telerik Silverlight DataGrid CustomizingRows 2

Changing Rows Height

To limit the height of the rows, set the RowHeight property of RadGridView. The property affects the rows only if their content is measured with a height smaller or equal to the RowHeight value. Otherwise, the measured size takes precedence.

Example 2: Setting RowHeight

<telerik:RadGridView RowHeight="50" /> 
Additionally, the rows content size can be limited via the MinHeight and MaxHeight properties of the GridViewRow control. To set those, you can use the RowStyle property of RadGridView.

Example 3: Setting row's MaxHeight

        <!-- If you use NoXaml dlls set the BasedOn property of the Style: BasedOn="{StaticResource GridViewRowStyle}" --> 
        <Style TargetType="telerik:GridViewRow"> 
            <Setter Property="MaxHeight" Value="36" /> 
RadGridView allows you to easily customize each of the row types by just assigning a style to it.

Styling Row and Alternating Row

To style rows or alternating rows you can use the RowStyle or the AlternateRowStyle properties. To learn how to do this take a look at the Styling Rows topic.

Styling the Group Row

To style the group row you can use the GroupRowStyle property. To learn how to do this take a look at the Styling Group Row topic.

Styling the Header Row

To style the header row you can use the HeaderRowStyle property. To learn how to do this take a look at the Styling Header Row topic.

See Also

In this article