Commands Overview
RadGridView provides a set of built-in commands that enables you to easily handle the user interface actions, but still make your logic independent of the UI layout. Thus, you are not obliged to subscribe to a particular event in order to achieve the desired behavior.
All supported commands are defined in the RadGridViewCommands class and are listed below:
ActivateRow: Activates a particular row programmatically and fires RadGridView's RowActivated event as if the user has double-clicked it.
BeginEdit: Invokes editing of the current cell.
BeginInsert: Starts the process of inserting a new row.
CancelCellEdit: Causes the editing of the current cell to be stopped and the changes to be discarded. However, this command will not overcome failed validation.
CancelRowEdit: Causes the editing of the whole row to be discontinued. Again, this command will not overcome failed validation.
CloseSearchPanel: Executed in order to hide the search panel.
CollapseHierarchyItem, ExpandHierarchyItem: Expands/ collapses a particular item in the hierarchy.
CommitCellEdit: Forces all the changes to the cell to be committed.
CommitEdit: Forces all the changes to be committed.
Copy, Paste: Enable you to take advantage of the clipboard functionality.
Delete: Removes the selected item from the collection.
ExtendSelectionToCurrentUnit: Selects all the selection unit from the anchor upto the chosen unit.
MoveUp, MoveDown: Moves the focus to the cell situated in the item above/below the selected one.
MoveFirst, MoveLast: Moves the focus to the first/last cell situated in the current item.
MoveLeft, MoveRight: Moves the focus to the cell situated in the left/right side of the selected one.
MoveUp, MoveDown: Moves the focus to the cell situated above/below the selected one.
MoveNext, MovePrevious: Moves the focus to the next/ previous cell. Once the first/last cell on the row is reached, it will jump to the cell in the previous/ next row.
MoveHome, MoveEnd: Moves the focus to the first cell of the first item or last cell of last item, respectively.
MovePageUp, MovePageDown: Moves the focus to the cell situated one viewport away from the current cell.
MoveTop, MoveBottom: Moves the focus to the cell situated in the first/last item.
Search: Executed in order to show the search panel.
SearchByText: Adds search criteria programmatically.
SelectCurrentItem: Selects the current item.
SelectCurrentUnit: Selects the current unit. By default the selection unit is "FullRow", but the SelectionUnit property may also be set to "Cell", thus enabling a cell-based selection.
TogglePinnedRowState: Add/Remove the current row from the collection of pinned rows.
As the commands provided by RadGridView are ICommands at their core, they do provide methods for both checking if they can be invoked - CanExecute() and for invoking them - Execute().
Using the RadGridViewCommands class, you can set a sequence of commands to be performed one after another. So, for example, you may easily handle the Click event of a button, move the focus down, select the current unit and then delete it. However, when invoking the commands in such a manner a second parameter should be added, pointing out the target UI Element as shown in Exapmle 1.
Example 1: Executing different commands
private void Button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var moveDownCommand = RadGridViewCommands.MoveDown as RoutedUICommand;
var selectCommand = RadGridViewCommands.SelectCurrentUnit as RoutedUICommand;
var deleteCommand = RadGridViewCommands.Delete as RoutedUICommand;
moveDownCommand.Execute(null, this.clubsGrid);
selectCommand.Execute(null, this.clubsGrid);
deleteCommand.Execute(null, this.clubsGrid);
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
Dim moveDownCommand = TryCast(RadGridViewCommands.MoveDown, RoutedUICommand)
Dim selectCommand = TryCast(RadGridViewCommands.SelectCurrentUnit, RoutedUICommand)
Dim deleteCommand = TryCast(RadGridViewCommands.Delete, RoutedUICommand)
moveDownCommand.Execute(Nothing, Me.clubsGrid)
selectCommand.Execute(Nothing, Me.clubsGrid)
deleteCommand.Execute(Nothing, Me.clubsGrid)
End Sub
In order to ensure that all commands will be executed in the correct sequence, it is advised to use RadGridView's PendingCommands collection as demonstrated in Example 2.
Example 2: Executing different commands with the ExecutePendingCommand method
private void Button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
End Sub
Using RadGridViewCommands in CellTemplate
You can use the CellTemplate of the RadGridView columns to include a button in the data cells. The button can execute one of the RadGridViewCommands. The following example shows how to add a delete button in one of the RadGridView columns.
Example 3: Using RadGridViewCommands.Delete command in column CellTemplate
<telerik:RadButton Content="Delete" Command="telerik:RadGridViewCommands.Delete" CommandParameter="{Binding}" />
Using RadGridViewCommands outside RadGridView
The RadGridViewCommands class can be used also outside of RadGridView. The following example shows how to use the RadGridViewCommands.CommitEdit command in a separate button which saves changes in the the editing cells.
Example 4: Using RadGridViewCommands.CommitEdit command outside of the RadGridView
<telerik:RadButton Content="Save insert/edit"
CommandTarget="{Binding ElementName=RadGridView1}" />
However, in both cases you will need to initialize the commands beforehand:
Example 5: Initializing RadDiagramCommands
public MainPage()
ICommand deleteCommand = RadGridViewCommands.Delete;
ICommand beginInsertCommand = RadGridViewCommands.BeginInsert;
ICommand cancelRowEditCommand = RadGridViewCommands.CancelRowEdit;
ICommand commitEditCommand = RadGridViewCommands.CommitEdit;