Binding to RIA Service

The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to populate a RadComboBox with data from a .NET RIA Service.

This tutorial will use the Northwind database, which can be downloaded from here.

  • Create a new application and add a RadComboBox declaration in your XAML.

<telerik:RadComboBox x:Name="radComboBox"/> 

The ComboBox will be bound to a DomainDataSource. When the control is loaded, all Products from the Products table in the Northwind database are loaded asynchronously.

  • Declare a new DomainDataSource object in the resources of your application. Set its DomainContext property to an existing RIA Service.

    <ria:DomainDataSource x:Key="DomainDataSource" AutoLoad="True" QueryName="GetProducts"> 
  • Declare a custom DataTemplate to determine how the items in the drop-down will look like. Add the following DataTemplate declaration in your XAML resources.

    <ria:DomainDataSource x:Key="DomainDataSource" AutoLoad="True" QueryName="GetProducts"> 
    <DataTemplate x:Key="CustomItemTemplate"> 
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> 
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding ProductName}"/> 
            <TextBlock Text=" - "/> 
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding UnitPrice}"/> 
            <TextBlock Text=" $"/> 
  • Update your RadComboBox declaration - set the ItemsSource and ItemTemplate properties.

<telerik:RadComboBox x:Name="radComboBox" 
    ItemTemplate="{StaticResource CustomItemTemplate}" 
    ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource DomainDataSource}, Path=Data}"/> 

Run your demo, the result can be seen on the snapshot below:

Silverlight RadComboBox Bound to Data from RIA Service

See Also

In this article