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Class RadPieChart

Represents a chart that visualizes its values as a slices of a pie. Depending on the associated series the values are visualized as a standard pie or a doughnut.





annotations: ObservableArray

Gets or sets the collection with chart annotations.


Gets or sets an instance of the RadLegendView class representing the legend associated with this class.


palettes: ObservableArray

Gets or sets the palettes collection associated with this chart.


pointSelectionMode: string

Gets or sets the selection mode for datapoints of series in chart. Use values exported from ChartSelectionMode.


selectionMode: string

Gets or sets the selection mode of chart. Use values exported from ChartSelectionMode. NOTE: This property is deprecated. Use seriesSelectionMode instead.


series: ObservableArray

Gets or sets the series collection associated with this chart.


seriesSelectionMode: string

Gets or sets the selection mode of series in chart. Use values exported from SeriesSelectionMode.

Static annotationsProperty

annotationsProperty: Property

Identifies the annotations dependency property.

Static chartPanFinishedEvent

chartPanFinishedEvent: string

This event is fired after panning the chart. The event exposes an instance of the ChartEventData class.

Static chartZoomFinishedEvent

chartZoomFinishedEvent: string

This event is fired after zooming the chart. The event exposes an instance of the ChartEventData class.

Static legendProperty

legendProperty: Property

Identifies the legend dependency property.

Static palettesProperty

palettesProperty: Property

Identifies the {@link palette} dependency property.

Static pointDeselectedEvent

pointDeselectedEvent: string

This event is fired after deselecting a point in series. The event exposes an instance of the ChartEventData class.

Static pointSelectedEvent

pointSelectedEvent: string

This event is fired after selecting a point in series. The event exposes an instance of the ChartEventData class.

Static pointSelectionModeProperty

pointSelectionModeProperty: Property

Identifies the data point selection dependency property.

Static selectionModeProperty

selectionModeProperty: Property

Identifies the selectionMode dependency property.

Static seriesDeselectedEvent

seriesDeselectedEvent: string

This event is fired after deselecting a series. The event exposes an instance of the ChartEventData class.

Static seriesProperty

seriesProperty: Property

Identifies the series dependency property.

Static seriesSelectedEvent

seriesSelectedEvent: string

This event is fired after selecting a series. The event exposes an instance of the ChartEventData class.

Static seriesSelectionModeProperty

seriesSelectionModeProperty: Property

Identifies the series selection dependency property.

Static trackballTrackedSelectionEvent

trackballTrackedSelectionEvent: string

This event is fired after trackball tracks selection. The event exposes an instance of the TrackballSelection class.



  • Returns the CartesianAxis with an 'id' that matches the provided string.


    • axisID: string

    Returns CartesianAxis


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