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Class RadCalendar

This class represents the RadCalendar component. RadCalendar is based on the already familiar native Android and iOS components from Progress Telerik UI for Android and Progress Telerik UI for iOS. The component exposes all major features supported by the native controls through a unified API suitable for NativeScript developers.


  • void
    • RadCalendar




dayViewStyle: CalendarDayViewStyle

Gets or sets the style properties for Week view mode. See CalendarDayViewStyle for available styling properties.


displayedDate: Date

Gets or sets the current displayed date in the RadCalendar instance.


eventSource: Array<CalendarEvent>

Gets or sets the current event source in the RadCalendar instance.


eventsViewMode: string

Gets or sets the events view mode in RadCalendar instance. Use values from CalendarEventsViewMode enumeration.


horizontalTransition: boolean

Gets or sets if the transition of the RadCalendar instance is horizontal.


inlineEventCellStyle: InlineEventCellStyle

Gets or sets the style properties for inline event cells in Month view mode. See InlineEventCellStyle for available styling properties.


locale: string

Gets or sets the locale used throughout RadCalendar. Valid locale values are standard BCP-47 language tags like: us-US, ru-RU, bg-BG, etc.


maxDate: any

Gets or sets the max date accessible by the (@link RadCalendar) instance.


minDate: any

Gets or sets the min date accessible by the (@link RadCalendar) instance.


monthNamesViewStyle: CalendarMonthNamesViewStyle

Gets or sets the style properties for MonthNames view mode. See CalendarMonthNamesViewStyle for available styling properties.


monthViewStyle: CalendarMonthViewStyle

Gets or sets the style properties for Month view mode. See CalendarMonthViewStyle for available styling properties.


selectedDate: any

Gets or sets the current selected date in the RadCalendar instance.


selectedDateRange: DateRange

Gets or sets the current selected date range in the RadCalendar instance.


selectedDates: any

Gets or sets the current selected dates in the RadCalendar instance.


selectionMode: string

Gets or sets the current selection mode in the RadCalendar instance. use values from CalendarSelectionMode enumeration.


transitionMode: string

Gets or sets the current transition mode in the RadCalendar instance. Use values from CalendarTransitionMode enumeration.


viewMode: string

Gets or sets the current view mode in the RadCalendar instance. Use values from CalendarViewMode enumeration.


weekViewStyle: CalendarWeekViewStyle

Gets or sets the style properties for Week view mode. See CalendarWeekViewStyle for available styling properties.


yearViewStyle: CalendarYearViewStyle

Gets or sets the style properties for Year view mode. See CalendarYearViewStyle for available styling properties.

Static cellTapEvent

cellTapEvent: string

This event is fired when a cell is tapped. The event exposes an instance of the CalendarCellTapEventData class.

Static dateDeselectedEvent

dateDeselectedEvent: string

This event is fired when a date is deselected. The event exposes an instance of the CalendarSelectionEventData class.

Static dateSelectedEvent

dateSelectedEvent: string

This event is fired when a date is selected. The event exposes an instance of the CalendarSelectionEventData class.

Static dayViewEventSelectedEvent

dayViewEventSelectedEvent: string

This event is fired when RadCalendar an event from the day view has been tapped. The event exposes an instance of the CalendarDayViewEventSelectedData class.

Static dayViewStyleProperty

dayViewStyleProperty: Property

Identifies the dayViewStyle dependency property.

Static displayedDateProperty

displayedDateProperty: Property

Gets the displayedDate dependency property.

Static eventSourceProperty

eventSourceProperty: Property

Identifies the eventSource dependency property.

Static eventsViewModeProperty

eventsViewModeProperty: Property

Identifies the eventsViewMode dependency property.

Static horizontalTransitionProperty

horizontalTransitionProperty: Property

Identifies the horizontalTransition dependency property.

Static inlineEventCellStyleProperty

inlineEventCellStyleProperty: Property

Identifies the inlineEventCellStyle dependency property.

Static inlineEventSelectedEvent

inlineEventSelectedEvent: string

This event is fired when RadCalendar an inline event has been tapped. The event exposes an instance of the CalendarInlineEventSelectedData class.

Static localeProperty

localeProperty: Property

Identifies the locale dependency property.

Static maxDateProperty

maxDateProperty: Property

Identifies the maxDate dependency property.

Static minDateProperty

minDateProperty: Property

Identifies the minDate dependency property.

Static monthNamesViewStyleProperty

monthNamesViewStyleProperty: Property

Identifies the monthViewStyle dependency property.

Static monthViewStyleProperty

monthViewStyleProperty: Property

Identifies the monthViewStyle dependency property.

Static navigatedToDateEvent

navigatedToDateEvent: string

This event is fired when RadCalendar has navigated to a certain date. The event exposes an instance of the CalendarNavigationEventData class.

Static navigatingToDateStartedEvent

navigatingToDateStartedEvent: string

This event is fired when RadCalendar is about to navigate to a certain date. The event exposes an instance of the CalendarNavigationEventData class.

Static selectedDateProperty

selectedDateProperty: Property

Identifies the selectedDate dependency property.

Static selectedDateRangeProperty

selectedDateRangeProperty: Property

Identifies the selectedDateRange dependency property.

Static selectedDatesProperty

selectedDatesProperty: Property

Identifies the selectedDates dependency property.

Static selectionModeProperty

selectionModeProperty: Property

Identifies the selectionMode dependency property.

Static transitionModeProperty

transitionModeProperty: Property

Identifies the transitionMode dependency property.

Static viewModeChangedEvent

viewModeChangedEvent: string

This event is fired when RadCalendar's viewMode has been changed. The event exposes an instance of the CalendarViewModeChangedEventData class.

Static viewModeProperty

viewModeProperty: Property

Identifies the viewMode dependency property.

Static weekViewStyleProperty

weekViewStyleProperty: Property

Identifies the monthViewStyle dependency property.

Static yearViewStyleProperty

yearViewStyleProperty: Property

Identifies the monthViewStyle dependency property.



  • Gets an array with the events for a specific date.


    • date: Date

    Returns Array<CalendarEvent>


  • goToDate(date: Date): any
  • Navigates to the specified date.


    • date: Date

    Returns any


  • navigateBack(): any
  • Navigates to the previous screen in the current view mode context.

    Returns any


  • navigateForward(): any
  • Navigates to the next screen in current view mode context.

    Returns any


  • reload(): any
  • Reloads all events in the RadCalendar instance and resets the selection.

    Returns any

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